New quantum superposition measurement

The lab S18 at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble

A new two-path-interference experiment has been designed at TU Wien that only has to measure one specific particle to prove quantum superposition.

A single neutron is measured at a specific position — and due to the sophisticated measurement setup, this single measurement proofs already that the particle moved along two different paths at the same time. It is even possible to determine the ratio in which the neutron was distributed between the two paths. Thus, the phenomenon of quantum superposition can be proven without having to resort to statistical arguments.

The probability of measuring the particle behind the famous double slit at a very specific location depends on this interference pattern: where the quantum wave is amplified, the probability of measuring the particle is high. Where the quantum wave is cancelled out, the probability is low. Of course, this wave distribution cannot be seen by looking at a single particle. Only when the experiment is repeated many times does the wave pattern become increasingly recognisable point by point and particle by particle.

The new measurement has been achieved with the help of neutrons at the neutron source of ILL in Grenoble: The neutrons are sent onto a crystal that splits the quantum wave of the neutron into two partial waves, very similar to the classical double-slit experiment. The two partial neutron waves move along two different paths and are recombined again. They interfere and are then measured.

The results have been published in the journal Physical Review Research.

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