The scientific community has made a groundbreaking discovery that challenges our traditional understanding of classical and quantum physics. Researchers have identified quantum coherence within classical light fields, a finding that questions long-held assumptions about the boundaries between classical and quantum systems.
At the core of this discovery is the novel approach of breaking down thermal light fields into smaller multiphoton subsystems. Using sophisticated methods including photon-number-resolving detection and orbital angular momentum measurements, scientists observed that these subsystems displayed unexpected behaviors. While most exhibited predictable classical coherence patterns, a notable subset showed quantum interference effects typically associated with entangled photon systems.
Lead researcher Professor Chenglong You emphasizes the significance of finding quantum dynamics hidden within classical systems. This revelation suggests that quantum properties may be more pervasive than previously thought, existing even in systems traditionally considered purely classical.
The research team achieved these results by developing advanced techniques to isolate and analyze multiphoton subsystems within classical pseudothermal light fields. Their methodology involved measuring photon numbers in twisted paths endowed with orbital angular momentum, using specialized photon-number-resolving detectors to capture and correlate the data.
These findings have substantial implications for the development of quantum technologies. The ability to extract quantum behaviors from classical systems opens new possibilities for creating more robust and scalable quantum devices. This could be particularly valuable for applications in quantum imaging and sensing, especially since the platform operates at room temperature, eliminating the need for extreme cooling conditions often required in quantum systems.
The research also provides insights into universal quantum behaviors in many-body systems, with potential applications extending across multiple fields. In condensed matter physics, these findings could help explain complex interactions between particles, while in quantum information science, they might lead to new approaches for managing quantum information.
The discovery represents a significant step forward in bridging the gap between classical and quantum physics, suggesting that the boundary between these domains may be more fluid than previously understood. This work not only advances our fundamental understanding of physical systems but also provides practical pathways for developing next-generation quantum technologies that could operate under less stringent conditions than current approaches require.
Reference: “Isolating the classical and quantum coherence of a multiphoton system” by Chenglong You, Mingyuan Hong, Fatemeh Mostafavi, Jannatul Ferdous, Roberto de J. León-Montiel, Riley B. Dawkins and Omar S. Magaña-Loaiza, 27 November 2024, PhotoniX. DOI: 10.1186/s43074-024-00153-4