Among various classes of Quantum Error Correcting Codes (QECCs), non-stabilizer codes have rich properties and are of theoretical and practical interest. Decoding non-stabilizer codes is, however, a highly non-trivial task. In this paper, researchers show […]
Towards a spectrally multiplexed quantum repeater
Extended quantum networks are based on quantum repeaters that often rely on the distribution of entanglement in an efficient and heralded fashion over multiple network nodes. Many repeater architectures require multiplexed sources of entangled photon […]
Observation of multiple steady states with engineered dissipation
Simulating the dynamics of open quantum systems is essential in achieving practical quantum computation and understanding novel nonequilibrium behaviors. However, quantum simulation of a many-body system coupled to an engineered reservoir has yet to be […]
A Quantum Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (QLIF) Neuron
Quantum Machine Learning (QML) is in a period of rapid development and discovery, however it still lacks the resources and diversity of computational models of its classical complement. With the growing difficulties of classical models […]
Novo Nordisk Foundation launches major investment in Quantum Computing
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded a grant of US$ 200 million (DKK 1.5 billion) to establish the first full-scale quantum computer for the development of new medicines and provide new insights into climate change and the […]
Zurich Instruments introduces qubit amplifier controller
Zurich Instruments offers Quantum Computing researchers a fast track to unleashing the power of parametric amplification for qubit readout. While being critical to achieve the high measurement speed and low error rates needed for quantum […]
Smart lighting system based on quantum dots more accurately reproduces daylight
Researchers have designed smart, color-controllable white light devices from quantum dots — tiny semiconductors just a few billionths of a meter in size — which are more efficient and have better color saturation than standard […]
A roadmap for the future of quantum simulation
A roadmap for the future direction of quantum simulation. Read More Quantum Computers News — ScienceDaily
Next generation atomic clocks are a step closer to real world applications
Quantum clocks are shrinking, thanks to new technologies developed at the UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing. Working in collaboration with and partly funded by the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), a team of […]
Physicists use quantum simulation tools to study, understand exotic state of matter
Physicists have demonstrated how simulations using quantum computing can enable observation of a distinctive state of matter taken out of its normal equilibrium. Such novel states of matter could one day lead to developments in […]