My guest today is Robert Wille, professor of computer science. Amongst other topics, Robert and I talk about design automation throughout the ages and discuss the analogies between classical design and the quantum world. We […]
Konstantinos Karagiannis – Head of Quantum Computing Services at Protiviti
My guest today is Konstantinos Karagiannis, Head of Quantum Computing Services at Protiviti. Konstantinos and I talk about how financial services organizations get started with quantum and what they try to do with it, about […]
Faisal Shah Khan – CEO of Dark Star Quantum Lab
My guest today is Faisal Shah Khan, an academic researcher turned CEO of Dark Star Quantum Lab. Faisal and I discuss random numbers as a service, water conservation using quantum technology, the competitive quantum gaps […]
Bob Sorensen – Senior VP of Research at Hyperion Research
My guest today is Bob Sorensen, senior VP of Research at Hyperion Research. Bob and I talk about what performance improvements customers expect from quantum computers, the mistakes that quantum equipment vendors might be making, […]
André Konig – quantum investor, entrepreneur, author
My guest today is André Konig, a quantum investor, entrepreneur and author. We spoke about how private equity and governments are investing in quantum computing, about the gaps he sees in the markets and much […]
Is Quantum Computing pharma’s next big disruptor?
Allie Nawrat talks to the Pistoia Alliance, QED-C and QuPharm about the opportunities Quantum Computing may provide to the pharma industry. In a future-casting 2030 vision report, life sciences membership organisation Pistoia Alliance examined technological opportunities […]
Hands-on lab skills key for Quantum jobs
Quantum physics courses need updating, according to researchers who interviewed representatives from 21 US companies that specialize in designing and building technologies for quantum applications. The interviews suggest that those graduating with bachelor’s degrees in […]
IBM: Exploring Quantum Computing use cases for life sciences
IBM has published a report concerning quantum computing use cases for life sciences. Some quotes from this report: The search space of potential protein configurations increases exponentially with the size of the protein. Quantum computing has […]
How many qubits for quantum supremacy?
This is a very interesting paper published by well-known people of the Quantum Community. Quantum computational supremacy arguments, which describe a way for a quantum computer to perform a task that cannot also be done […]
Are biological processes experts in Quantum Physics?
The intriguing, upcoming field of quantum biology by Olivier Loose. Scientific inquiry can be a lesson in humility. Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus taught us this in the sixteenth century when submitting the hypothesis that the Sun is sitting […]