Israel is seeking to build its first quantum computer, joining a global race for one of the world’s most important emerging technologies. The Ministry of Defense and Innovation Authority are taking bids from multinational companies, […]
Pitch your Quantum Company!
An option to present at the UK & France Quantum Innovation Exhibition, plus free tickets to watch Continue reading on Quantum Computing »
Quantum Technology Innovation Hub to transform local businesses
Small and medium-sized businesses within the Great Birmingham and Solihull LEP (GBSLEP) region will be given a unique opportunity to access specialist technical equipment through the launch of the new Quantum Technology Innovation Hub (QTIH) […]
Setting the Quantum Standard
An event from the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme Continue reading on Quantum Computing »
Adaptive bandwidth management for entanglement distribution in quantum networks
Purdue University engineers have addressed an issue barring the development of quantum networks. The team deployed a programmable switch to adjust how much data goes to each user by selecting and redirecting wavelengths of light carrying the different data […]
GlaxoSmithKline in Quantum Computing
Drug maker GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is evaluating Quantum Computing for specific workloads that hit scalability and complexity walls with traditional architectures and approaches, specifically genetic algorithms. Specifically, the company wanted to understand how quantum computing might […]
Largest ever Natural Language Processing implementation on a Quantum Computer
Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) announces the publication of a research paper on the online pre-print repository arxiv (available here) that provides details of the largest ever experimental implementation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks on a […]
Why Should you Join a Quantum London Stammtisch?
If you’re interested in the business impact of quantum computing here’s why Continue reading on Quantum Computing »
The hunt for the Quantum collapse
Leiden University physicists simulated an experiment to catch this mysterious moment of superposition collapsing for the Schrödinger’s cat. The Leiden physicists decided to open the hunt for the collapse from the perspective of an amplifier […]
Benchmarking quantum computers
Scientist at Atos Quantum Laboratory, France, has written an interesting paper about quantum benchmarking. Existing protocols for benchmarking current quantum co-processors fail to meet the usual standards for assessing the performance of High-Performance-Computing platforms. This […]