An international research team led by the University at Buffalo has described how they paired a magnet with graphene, and induced what they describe as “artificial magnetic texture” in the nonmagnetic wonder material. For their experiments, researchers […]
Quantum Computing in 2021. It’s Speeding Up!
Quantum London newsletter #4. 27 February 2021 Events, news and insight from the Quantum London community Greeting Quantumplaters! It’s been a few weeks of intense consideration of the impact on quantum computing in insurance. That will […]
Do you want a home for your quantum computing articles?
Do you want a home for your quantum computing articles? We’d be delighted to host them on the Quantum London publication. If your focus is on the impact of quantum computing and other quantum technologies […]
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Machine learning blazes path to reliable Quantum Computers
Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory has proposed using machine learning to develop algorithms that compensate for the crippling noise endemic on today’s quantum computers offers a way to maximize their power for reliably performing […]
Entangled qubit states sent through a communication channel
Researchers at University of Chicago have sent entangled qubit states through a communication cable linking one quantum network node to a second node for the very first time. They have also amplified an entangled state […]
Beams of entangled atoms
A new method has been developed at TU Wien, Austria, to produce entangled atom pairs and not just atoms which are emitted in all directions, but well-defined beams. This was achieved with the help of […]
Quantum Processor made in Germany
An alliance between Forschungszentrum Jülich and the semiconductor manufacturer Infineon, together with institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (IAF, IPMS) as well as the Leibniz Association (IHP, IKZ), the universities of Regensburg and Konstanz and the quantum […]
A quantum algorithm for string matching
Algorithms that search for a pattern within a larger data-set appear ubiquitously in text and image processing. Pattern matching algorithms are used ubiquitously used in image processing, the study of DNA sequences, and data compression […]
Experimental quantum homomorphic encryption
Quantum computers promise not only to outperform classical machines for certain important tasks, but also to preserve privacy of computation. For example, the blind quantum computing protocol enables secure delegated quantum computation, where a client […]