Error mitigation approach helps quantum computers level up

Quantum circuit for the simulation of the XX chain.

A collaboration between Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (Berkeley Lab’s) Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division (AMCRD) and Physics Division has yielded a new approach to error mitigation that could help make quantum computing’s theoretical potential a reality.

There are different types of noise, including readout noise and gate noise. The former has to do with reading out the result of a run on a quantum computer; the more noise, the higher the chance a qubit — the quantum equivalent of a bit on a classical computer — will be measured in the wrong state. The latter relates to the actual operations performed; noise here means the probability of applying the wrong operation. And the prevalence of noise dramatically increases the more operations one tries to perform with a quantum computer, which makes it harder to tease out the right answer and severely limits quantum computers’ usability as they’re scaled up.

And while error correction — which is routine in classical computers — would be ideal, it is not yet feasible on current quantum computers due to the number of qubits needed. The next best thing: error mitigation — methods and software to reduce noise and minimize errors in the science outcomes of quantum simulations. 

The researchers developed a novel approach they call noise estimation circuits. A circuit is a series of operations or a program executed on a quantum computer to calculate the answer of a scientific problem. The team created a modified version of the circuit to give a predictable answer — 0 or 1 — and used the difference between the measured and predicted answer to correct the output measured of the real circuit.

The noise estimation circuit approach corrects some errors, but not all. The Berkeley Lab team combined their new approach with three other different error mitigation techniques: readout error correction using “iterative Bayesian unfolding,” a technique commonly used in high-energy physics; a homegrown version of randomized compiling; and error extrapolation. By putting all these pieces together, they were able to obtain reliable results from an IBM quantum computer. (ScienceDaily)

The paper has been published in Physical Review Letters.

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