First three-photon color entanglement

Researchers at University of Illinois have constructed a quantum-mechanical state in which the colors of three photons are entangled with each other. The state is a special combination, called a W state, that retains some entanglement even if one of the three photons is lost, which makes it useful for quantum communication. Such entangled states also enable novel quantum applications and tests of fundamental physics.

This is the first discrete energy-entangled W state and the first three-photon entangled state created in optical fiber.

Through a process called spontaneous four-wave mixing, four laser photons interact with the fiber and are annihilated to create two pairs of photons at different colors (for example, two pairs of red and green photons). These four photons are used to construct the 3-photon W state. One of them is detected to be green, leaving the other three entangled as a W state, which is comprised of all possible iterations of two red photons and a green photon at once. (University of Illinois)

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