Honeywell’s latest Quantum Computer – System Model H1


Honeywell has announced its latest generation of trapped-ion based quantum computing hardware, the System Model H1, the same system used by Honeywell scientists to demonstrate  Quantum Volume of 128 in September of 2020.

The System Model H1 incorporates the same linear device used in the System Model H0 but increases the number of available computational qubits to 10. The H1 generation of systems can be upgraded to hold larger numbers of qubits and to make use of the additional interaction zones. This expandable architecture, called the Quantum Charge Coupled Device (QCCD) architecture, allows to increase the capabilities of the system throughout the product lifetime without an interruption in customer access.

Users of the H1 system can expect typical single qubit gate fidelities ≥99.97% and two qubit gate fidelities ≥99.5%.

Users of the System Model H1 can expect measurement crosstalk errors of 0.2%, the lowest measured on a commercially available system. Minimizing crosstalk between qubits is a challenge for many quantum computing platforms. Honeywell’s differentiated architecture reduces crosstalk errors between qubits, with recent measurements demonstrating the best performance among industry systems.

System Model H1 can execute circuits that are impossible to run on alternative hardware by leveraging mid-circuit measurement and qubit reuse (MCMR). The ability to measure an individual qubit, or a subset of qubits, without destroying the quantum information of the remaining qubits in the system is a unique capability of the Honeywell architecture. By employing this technique, users can access deeper circuits that would typically be impossible with a limited number of physical qubits.

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