Quantum London Medium newsletter #5. March 4, 2021
Events, news and insight from the Quantum London community
Greeting Quantumplaters!
Don’t let the Easter chocolate overload slow down your quantum journey! We’ve got a number of great events for you over the coming month, starting this week with both a Quantum Coding session on Tuesday and a very exciting discussion on Wednesday with the co-founder of Terra Quantum and the ex-CIO of Volkswagen.
Our upcoming events
Ensuring Immediate value from quantum computing
Wednesday 7 & 21 April, 6pm UK time
April will see a double-bill with five leading thinkers around the practical application of quantum computing and achieving quantum business advantage.
In partnership with Sia Partners who are launching a dedicated QuantumLab, we’ll be speaking with Martin Hofmann (ex CIO and Quantum Lead at VW), Markus Pflitsch (Terra Quantum), Stephen Nundy (ex Goldman Sachs), Vishal Shete and Karan Pinto.
Join Anahita and Paolo on 7 and 21 April as they cover practical examples, timelines, and steps towards being #quantumready. Find out more here.
Sign up for Wed 7 with Martin Hofmann, Markus Pflitsch and Karan Pinto
Sign up for Wed 21 with Stephen Nundy, Markus Pflitsch and Vishal Shete
Quantum London Coding Community, regular meeting
Tuesday 6 April, 6pm UK time
To understand the aim and requirements click here or join the Slack group here.
Quantum Computing for CISOs
Monday 26 April, 6pm UK time
Ensure you CISO knows what they need to. Information here
Diversity in Quantum Computing
Thursday 29 April, 6pm UK time
Details to follow, but keep track of all webinars via this link
Previous events
We record details for most of our events including videos, slides (where allowed), shared links and key points. Find all these with the Webinar Tracker or go straight to YouTube for the videos.
Key recent events are that on the UK Quantum Computer, including Quantum ML in Finance, and Quantum Computing in Insurance.
News and insights
We continuing to build our directory of relevant articles. Do keep sharing input.
Industry view
Full directory here, or go directly to Agriculture, Automotive, Energy & Utilities , Financial Services, Travel & Logistics, Pharma, Space.
Functional and use-case view
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), Cyber Security
Previous popular articles
Quantum v Climate Change; Quantum Defense v Offence; Harvest Today, Decrypt Tomorrow. And of course Anahita’s Zardoshti’s report for Lloyd’s of London.
Community news
Do share anything you’d like passed onto the community, or any questions you have for them. Get in touch with Paolo Cuomo or Emanuele Colonnella.
For those who discovered Quantum London via the London Quantum Computing Meetup you might like a look at this history of how LQCM developed.
Immediate Impact from Quantum Computing was originally published in Quantum Computing on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.