Many-body entanglement via ‘which-path’ information

The multi-particle ‘which-path’ experiment: implementations in double-slit setups, with analog quantum circuit representations.

npj Quantum Information, Published online: 21 November 2024; doi:10.1038/s41534-024-00899-6

Researchers propose a multi-particle ‘which-path’ gedanken experiment with a quantum detector. Contrary to conventional ‘which-path’ experiments, the detector maintains its quantum state during interactions with the particles.

They have showed how such interactions can create an interference pattern that vanishes on average, as in conventional ‘which-path’ schemes, but contains hidden many-body quantum correlations. Measuring the state of the quantum detector projects the joint-particle wavefunction into highly entangled states, such as GHZ’s.

Conversely, measuring the particles projects the detector wavefunction into desired states, such as Schrodinger-cat or GKP states for a harmonic-oscillator detector, e.g., a photonic cavity.

This work thus opens a new path to the creation and exploration of many-body quantum correlations in systems not often associated with these phenomena, such as atoms in waveguide QED and free electrons in transmission electron microscopy.

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