Innovative platform for quantum computers and communications

Illustration representing a quantum computer using a europium molecular crystal. © Christian Grupe

Communication between quantum systems depends on their ability to effectively interact with light. Some molecular crystals have proven to be new materials with excellent quantum properties. They are of great interest for creating quantum computers that can communicate among themselves using fibre optic networks.

The ability to interact with light provides important functionalities for quantum systems, such as communicating over large distances, a key ability for future quantum computers. However, it is very difficult to find a material that can fully exploit the quantum properties of light. A research team from the CNRS and l’Université de Strasbourg, with support from Chimie ParisTech-PSL1 and in collaboration with German teams from KIT2, has demonstrated the potential of a new material based on rare earths as a photonic quantum system. The results show the interest of europium molecular crystals for quantum memories and computers.

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The paper has been published in Nature.

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