Quantum Application Lab now open to explore business opportunities for Quantum Computing

The Quantum Application Lab (QAL) was officially launched on March 23, 2022. The photo shows the parties involved in the QAL.

Organizations that want to investigate how Quantum Computing can benefit their business are invited to connect to the knowledge and technical infrastructure offered by the Quantum Application Lab (QAL) now.

QAL is a newly formed public-private R&D partnership that offers a unique team of scientists, researchers, engineers, application developers, software and hardware specialists in a leading platform to explore and bring to market the benefits of quantum computing.

The founding consortium partners of the Quantum Application Lab are the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI, the national research institute for mathematics and computer science), who are collaborating already through the QuSoft institute since 2015; the Netherlands Organization for applied scientific research (TNO); the Dutch collaborative ICT Organization for Dutch higher education and research (SURF); Technical University TU Delft (on behalf Quantum Inspire) and the Netherlands eScience Center. IBM Quantum will serve as a technology provider.

QAL will support companies to navigate this complex and changeable environment, in order to make the best possible choices for their development roadmap and their envisioned applications.

QAL will focus on optimization, simulation, and machine learning applications initially. As such it’s fully aligned with the roadmap of the Quantum Delta NL foundation (QDNL). QAL will evaluate and support its partners on their journeys towards ‘quantum value’ and ‘quantum advantage’ and help them to develop R&D strategies and make investment decisions.

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