Quantum Brilliance and Quantum-South partner for logistics optimization applications

shipping logistics optimization concept

Quantum Brilliance, an Australian startup, and Quantum-South, an Uruguayan startup, has announced a partnership to jointly develop and market of complementary products and technology in shipping logistics optimization.

The companies will be performing proof of concept implementations with air and marine cargo companies to demonstrate the potential ofquantum computing for solving highly complex computational problems beyond the scope of today’s classical computers. The two firms are also working with the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre and the Quantum Supercomputing Innovation Hub to demonstrate quantum utility through co-development projects with Australian companies as part of the Quantum Pioneer Program.

Quantum-South will work with vehicle loading optimization software by utilizing Quantum-Brilliance’s unique room temperature diamond qubit architecture. A frequent problem amongst various transportation companies is determining the optimal loading strategy for packing their merchandise in different vehicles, such as ships, aircraft, trains or trucks. Quantum-South has been working on the development of quantum algorithms to determine the optimal configuration of maximizing total weight or profit in the loading of cargo vehicles subject to appropriate constraints. In this project, Quantum-South will implement these solutions on the Quantum Brilliance Quantum Emulator platform which provides an accurate representation of the capabilities of current and future Quantum Brilliance devices.

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