January 16, 2025

Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland 2020

The Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland (QIDiS) is a major European and Swiss event which gathers industrial R&D, academics and investors to foster exchange and accelerate the development of new quantum products.

As you probably know if you read Swiss Quantum Hub newsletters, Switzerland is a key actor in the Quantum world with leading technology companies like ID Quantique or Zurich Instruments and outstanding labs and researchers in quantum computing, quantum materials and quantum sensing (EPFL, ETH, University of Basel, …).

This year the organizing committee has decided to move the event online, providing a fully virtual experience on 2 October 2020.

The keynote talks in the morning will be hosted by S. Hafizovic (Zurich Instruments) and will address the EU Quantum Flagship (T. Calarco, Jülich), quantum computing (F. Wilhelm-Mauch, Saarland University & H. Riel, IBM Research), communication (H. Hübel, AIT) and sensing (T. Strohm, Bosch).
The afternoon parallel sessions will be packed with use cases, applications, demonstrators and a session for entrepreneurship.

You will have the opportunity to increase your visibility and uncover new opportunities with the online networking session: advertise your skills and interests in your profile and book meetings with other participants at the digital Face-to-Face session.

To increase the opportunity for networking online, the Face-to-Face session starts already on 1st October 2020.

All details for registration can be found there.

Founding Sponsors
