Quantum systems and Quantum simulations

A joint research group at Freie Universität Berlin and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) has shown a way to simulate the quantum physical properties of complex solid state systems. This is done with the help of complex […]

Automating the construction of Quantum Machine Learning models

Startup Prevision.io is releasing a library which aims at automating the construction of Quantum Machine Learning models. Prevision-quantum-nn proposes an automatic mode for solving supervised learning problems (classification, regression, multi-classification) or reinforcement learning problems. The application API allows to build models quickly and solving […]

BEIT: Quantum Unstructured Search on Honeywell System H0

Scientists at the Polish BEIT startup, supported by Honeywell Quantum Solutions Team, conducted several experiments and succeeded in quantum unstructured search in 32- and 64-element spaces. Honeywell System H0 uses qubits built using trapped-ion technology, […]

Machine Learning for Quantum Chemistry

Quantum chemistry, the study of chemical properties and processes at the quantum scale, has a big drawback: Accurate calculations are resource-intensive and time consuming, with routine chemical studies involving computations that take days or longer. […]

Quantum simulation beyond the coherence time

Iterative approaches to Quantum Simulation (QS) are restricted to simulation times less than the coherence time of the Quantum Computer (QC), which limits their utility in the near term. Researchers at Los Alamos have developed […]

Demonstration of quantum advantage for NP verification

Researchers at CNRS, Paris and University of Edinburg have showed the first experimental demonstration of a computational quantum advantage (also referred to as quantum supremacy) with linear optics, by studying the computational task of the […]

Fault-Tolerant Operation of a Quantum Error-Correction Code

Researchers at University of Maryland and the Duke University have managed to present the first implementation of Fault-Tolerant (FT) logical state preparation. They have experimentally demonstrated fault-tolerant preparation, rotation, error syndrome extraction, and measurement on a logical […]

Predicting molecular behavior using Quantum Computing

Researchers at Osaka City University create a quantum algorithm that removes spin contaminants while making chemical calculations on quantum computers. This allows for precise and accurate predictions of electronic and molecular behavior with degrees of […]

Set of two-qubit gates for near-term quantum algorithms

Quantum algorithms offer a dramatic speedup for computational problems in material science and chemistry. However, any near-term realizations of these algorithms will need to be optimized to fit within the finite resources offered by existing […]

Automated benchmarking platform for Quantum Compilers

Arline announced the release of Arline Benchmarks which is the first open-source automated benchmarking platform for quantum compilers! The name was given to the honour of Arline Greenbaum, the first wife of Richard Feynman, one […]

BBVA and Multiverse benchmarked quantum solutions

BBVA is closely following through various lines of research aimed at exploring applications of quantum computing in the world of finance. As part of this work, and in collaboration with Spanish startup Multiverse, the joint research team […]

Reinforcement learning to train quantum algorithm

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new algorithm based on reinforcement learning to find the optimal parameters for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). QAOA allows a quantum computer […]