Integrating a semiconducting quantum dot with a superconductor

An international research team has developed a groundbreaking technique to integrate superconductors with semiconductors by patterning platinum on germanium and heating it to form a superconducting alloy, demonstrating coherent quantum states that could enable hybrid quantum processors combining the scalability of semiconductor qubits with the long-range connectivity of superconducting circuits.

False-coloured scanning electron microscope image of a device nominally identical to that used in the measurements. The eight quantum dots arranged in a 4×2 array are labelled 1–8. The four larger quantum dots serve to probe the charge and spin states in the 4×2 array.

Distributing entanglement across germanium quantum dots

A QuTech research team demonstrated initialization, readout, and universal control of four qubits created from eight germanium quantum dots, achieving quantum information transfer with 75% Bell state fidelity and establishing a versatile platform for quantum computing advancement.

Microsoft unveils Majorana 1, the world’s first quantum processor powered by topological qubits

Microsoft Pioneers Topological Quantum Revolution with DARPA

Microsoft has demonstrated the world’s first topological qubit using Majorana Zero Modes in specially-engineered topoconductor materials, achieving measurement-based control through quantum dot interactions while securing DARPA support to build a fault-tolerant prototype that could scale to one million qubits and revolutionize scientific discovery.

Principle of the KRAKEN technique.

Measuring the quantum state of photoelectrons

The research demonstrates how quantum state tomography can reveal the full quantum characteristics of photoelectrons emitted from atoms, showing pure quantum states in helium but mixed states in argon due to spin-orbit coupling, thus bridging photoelectron spectroscopy with quantum information science.

Stabilization of Kerr-cat qubits with quantum circuit refrigerator

Stabilization of Kerr-cat qubits with quantum circuit refrigerator

A quantum circuit refrigerator based on photon-assisted electron tunneling can effectively cool and stabilize Kerr-cat qubits by providing tunable dissipation while preserving their advantageous error-bias characteristics through quantum interference suppression of unwanted bit flips.

Professor Johannes Fink at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA): A team of physicists from his group achieved a fully optical readout of superconducting qubits. Credit: © Nadine Poncioni | ISTA

Fiber Optics: The Missing Link in Quantum Computing’s Future

ISTA physicists have developed a breakthrough method to connect superconducting qubits using fiber optics instead of traditional electrical signals, significantly reducing cooling requirements and potentially enabling the scaling and networking of quantum computers by converting optical signals to microwave frequencies that qubits can process.

Universal validity of the second law of information thermodynamics

Universal validity of the second law of information thermodynamics

Scientists have proven that Maxwell’s Demon cannot violate the second law of thermodynamics in any quantum scenario, as the energy gains from information-based sorting must always be balanced by the energy costs of measurement and memory erasure, regardless of how these processes are implemented.

Schematic representation of the experimental setup and control strategy.

Cooling Quantum Systems: A Breakthrough in Hybrid Architecture

A groundbreaking quantum cooling protocol demonstrates how a macroscopic oscillator can mediate between a single-probe spin and a spin ensemble, achieving ground-state cooling through weak dispersive coupling and measurement feedback, with promising applications in quantum technology and remote sensing.

Dougal Main and Beth Nichol working on the distributed quantum computer. Credit John Cairns

Breakthrough in Distributed Quantum Computing

Physicists achieved a quantum computing breakthrough by successfully connecting separate quantum processors through photonic links, enabling quantum teleportation of logical gates between modules and demonstrating the first distributed quantum computer system, which could potentially scale up without the limitations of cramming millions of qubits into a single device.

Prof. Joshua Folk, a member of UBC’s Physics and Astronomy Department and the Blusson Quantum Matter Institute. Credit: University of British Columbia

Conducting While Frozen: Graphene’s Quantum Paradox

A groundbreaking discovery in quantum physics has revealed a novel electronic state in twisted graphene layers, where electrons exhibit the paradoxical behavior of being simultaneously frozen yet capable of conducting current along edges without resistance.

Ashish Moharana, PhD student in the research group of Professor Angela Wittmann, in front of the experimental setup. Credit: Shaktiranjan Mohanty

Electron Spin Control Through Chiral Molecules

Recent research at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz has demonstrated that chiral molecules placed on gold surfaces can effectively control electron spin direction based on their handedness (left or right), offering a promising alternative to traditional magnetic methods for developing more efficient electronic devices.

Illustration of quantum geometry for an electronic wavefunction. The sphere is shown as a local approximation to the curvature of the isosurface. Credit: Image courtesy Comin lab, MIT

Measuring Electron Geometry in Quantum Materials

MIT physicists achieved a groundbreaking first-time measurement of electron geometry in solid materials at the quantum level using ARPES technology, opening new possibilities for understanding and manipulating quantum properties of materials for future applications in computing and electronics.

Supramolecular dyads as photogenerated qubit candidates

Hydrogen Bonds Enable New Approach to Spin Qubit Assembly

Scientists have made a transformative discovery in quantum computing that challenges long-held assumptions about spin qubit assembly. The breakthrough research demonstrates that hydrogen bonds can effectively facilitate spin interactions between qubit components.

Hydrogen-induced transitions between disparate spin orders in MnSb2Te4.

Hydrogen Ion Manipulation Revolutionizes Quantum Material Control

A team of physicists at The City College of New York has demonstrated that introducing hydrogen ions (H⁺) into magnetic Weyl semimetal MnSb2Te4 can effectively tune its electronic properties and enhance electron chirality transport, leading to a tunable ‘chiral switch’ that doubles the Curie temperature and shows strong angular transport chirality, offering significant potential for quantum computing and nano-spintronics applications.