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Ultrathin materials for personal-sized quantum devices

MIT researchers have used ultrathin materials to build superconducting qubits that are at least one-hundredth the size of conventional designs and suffer from less interference between neighboring qubits. This advance could improve the performance of quantum computers and enable […]

Conceptual schematic of repeated-row loop hafnian algorithm and threshold detector sampling method.

Bristol team chase down advantage in quantum race

Quantum researchers have dramatically reduced the time to simulate an optical quantum computer, with a speedup of around one billion over previous approaches. Quantum computers promise exponential speedups for certain problems, with potential applications in […]

Credit: Sampson Wilcox/RLE

Vibrating atoms make robust qubits

Physicists at MIT have discovered a new qubit, in the form of vibrating pairs of atoms known as fermions. The new qubit appears to be extremely robust, able to maintain superposition between two vibrational states, […]

The number of physical qubits required to break Bitcoin's 256 elliptic curve encryption with a fixed maximum run time as a function of the code cycle time and base physical error rate.

Quantum breaking the encryption of Bitcoin?

Researchers in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands decided to explore two very different quantum problems: breaking the encryption of Bitcoin and simulating the molecule responsible for biological nitrogen fixation. The team has especially described […]

A new study finds that quantum state evolution is direction dependent in the parameter space of dissipative spin-orbit coupled system. Credit: Dong Liu

Gaining quantum control from loss

Researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have demonstrated a new way to control the quantum state through the loss of particle. This process is usually avoided in the quantum devices. This […]

QKD - Quantum Key Distribution

China sets world record of long-haul quantum distribution

Chinese scientists have implemented twin-field quantum key distribution (QKD) through an 833-km optical fiber, setting a new world record in the field. The system has tolerated a channel loss beyond 140 dB. Furthermore, the optimized four-phase […]

The UNSW team: Dr Asaad Serwan, Prof. Andrea Morello and Dr Mateusz Madzik. Photo: UNSW/Kearon de Clouet

Quantum computing in silicon hits 99% accuracy

Australian researchers have proven that near error-free quantum computing is possible, paving the way to build silicon-based quantum devices compatible with current semiconductor manufacturing technology. Prof. Morello’s paper is one of three published today in Nature that […]

To turn ‘on’ an acoustic transistor, ultrasound arriving at the ‘gate’ input heats and expands the base plate, changing the spacing in two lattices of slightly-different-sized pillars, and inducing a topological transition that guides sound along the interface. (Credit: Hoffman Lab/Harvard SEAS)

The first topological acoustic transistor

Researchers have designed and simulated the first topological acoustic transistors — with sound waves instead of electrons — and proposed a connection architecture to form a universal logic gate that can switch the flow of sound on and off.

Quantum enhanced measurement of an optical frequency comb

Quantum enhanced measurement of an optical frequency comb

The researchers developed a multi-pixel spectrally resolved detector system that can simultaneously measure multiple parameters of optical frequency combs (mean energy, central frequency, and spectral bandwidth) in a single shot, achieving and even surpassing the standard quantum limit by utilizing quantum frequency combs with multiple squeezed states.

Comparison between single-exponential extrapolation and dual-exponential extrapolation in an eight-qubit simulation.

Multi-exponential error extrapolation and combining error mitigation techniques for NISQ applications

This research advances quantum computing by developing and mathematically proving the effectiveness of multi-exponential error extrapolation techniques, while demonstrating how to efficiently combine it with quasi-probability and symmetry verification methods to achieve superior error mitigation in NISQ devices without requiring quantum error correction’s large qubit overhead.

Equal1 QPU. Credit: University College Dublin

Fully integrated ‘hot qubit’ quantum processor

Equal1 Laboratories (Equal1), a silicon-based quantum computing company, has announced the company is the first to demonstrate a fully integrated Quantum Processor Unit (QPU) operating at 3.7 kelvin ― a major milestone with implications for the […]

Ion beams can create chains of closely coupled quantum bits (qubits) based on nitrogen-vacancy “color centers” in diamond for use in quantum computing hardware. The honeycomb pattern in the photo shows the difference between areas exposed to the beam (darker) and masked-off areas. Results indicate it should be possible to create 10,000 coupled qubits over a distance of about the width of a human hair, an unrivaled number and density of qubits. Credit: Susan Brand/Berkeley Lab)

Ion beams create chains of closely coupled qubits

A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory-led international team of researchers has discovered a way to use ion beams to create long strings of “color center” qubits in diamond. Creating large numbers of high-quality qubits, in close […]

Conceptual image of the used method for manipulating the spatial structures of photons using multiple consecutive lossless modulations. Credit: Markus Hiekkamäki / Tampere University

Complex shapes of photons for fast photonic Quantum computations

Researchers at Tampere University Photonics Laboratory have demonstrated how two interfering photons can bunch into various shapes. These complex shapes are beneficial for quantum technologies, such as performing fast photonic quantum computations and safe data […]

A close-up look at the integrated chip that emits photons. (Image: courtesy of Ali Elshaari)

New light emitter for quantum circuits

Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden developed integrated chips that can generate light particles on demand and without the need for extreme refrigeration. In order for photons to deliver qubits on-demand in […]

Cold chips can control qubits

QuTech has resolved a major issue on the road towards a working large-scale quantum computer. QuTech, together with Intel, has designed and fabricated an integrated circuit that can operate at extremely low temperatures when controlling […]

Light meets superconducting circuits

Researchers in the group of Professor Tobias J. Kippenberg at EPFL’s School of Basic Sciences have now developed a novel approach that uses light to read out superconducting circuits, thus overcoming the scaling challenges of […]

Chinese team designs 62-qubit quantum processor with world's largest number of superconducting qubits (Weibo)

Chinese team designs a 62-qubit quantum processor

A Chinese research team from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) has successfully designed a 62-qubit programmable superconducting quantum processor, naming it Zu Chongzhi after the noted 5th century Chinese mathematician and astronomer. The […]

NIST researchers entangled the beats of these two mechanical drums — tiny aluminum membranes each made of about 1 trillion atoms — and precisely measured their linked quantum properties. Entangled pairs like this (as shown in this colorized micrograph), which are massive by quantum standards, might someday perform computations and transmit data in large-scale quantum networks. Credit: J. Teufel/NIST

Quantum drum duet entanglement

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have “entangled” two small mechanical drums and precisely measured their linked quantum properties. Entangled pairs like this might someday perform computations and transmit data in […]

Quantum bit in a two-dimensional layer consisting of the elements boron and nitrogen. Credit: University of Stuttgart

New boost in quantum technologies

Researchers at the University of Stuttgart were able to detect qubits in two-dimensional materials for the first time.  Quantum computers or quantum sensors consist of materials that are completely different to their classical predecessors. These […]