CERN meets quantum technology

The CERN Quantum Technology Initiative (QTI), which was announced in June, sees CERN join a rapidly-growing global effort to bring about a “second quantum revolution” – whereby phenomena such as superposition and entanglement, which enable an […]

Fault-Tolerant Operation of a Quantum Error-Correction Code

Researchers at University of Maryland and the Duke University have managed to present the first implementation of Fault-Tolerant (FT) logical state preparation. They have experimentally demonstrated fault-tolerant preparation, rotation, error syndrome extraction, and measurement on a logical […]

Quantum entanglement between distant and different objects

A team of researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have succeeded in entangling two very different quantum objects. Researchers succeeded in making entanglement between a mechanical oscillator—a vibrating dielectric membrane—and a cloud […]

Predicting molecular behavior using Quantum Computing

Researchers at Osaka City University create a quantum algorithm that removes spin contaminants while making chemical calculations on quantum computers. This allows for precise and accurate predictions of electronic and molecular behavior with degrees of […]

The return of the spin echo

A research team from Garching and Vienna University of Technology discovered a remarkable echo effect that offers exciting new possibilities for working with quantum information. The team has now discovered a surprising effect in a […]

Faint communications signals detection using quantum physics

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have demonstrated a system that could dramatically increase the performance of communications networks while enabling record-low error rates in detecting even the faintest of signals, […]

Single subatomic quantum memories in semiconductors

Scientists at the University of Chicago demonstrated control of atomic quantum memories in silicon carbide, a common material found in electric cars and LED light bulbs. Then, they used this control to create an entangled […]

New design principles for spin-based quantum materials

Scientists at Northwestern University have developed new design principles that could help spur development of future quantum materials. The study marks an important step to create new materials that are non-volatile, energy efficient, and generate […]

Set of two-qubit gates for near-term quantum algorithms

Quantum algorithms offer a dramatic speedup for computational problems in material science and chemistry. However, any near-term realizations of these algorithms will need to be optimized to fit within the finite resources offered by existing […]

IBM Quantum Computers Roadmap

There have been a lot of articles and papers about the post of Jay Gambetta, IBM Fellow and Vice President, IBM Quantum. We’d like to emphasize on major information embedded in this post. First, this […]

Promising new material for Quantum Computing

Researchers at the Microsoft Quantum Materials Lab and the University of Copenhagen have succeeded in realizing an important and promising material for use in a future quantum computer. For this end, the researchers have to […]

Single photons from a silicon chip

Physicists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and TU Dresden have designed a silicon-based light source to generate single photons that propagate well in glass fibers. Quantum technology relies on the ability to control the behavior […]

Physicists achieve tunable spin wave excitation

Physicists from MIPT and the Russian Quantum Center, joined by colleagues from Saratov State University and Michigan Technological University, have demonstrated new methods for controlling spin waves in nanostructured bismuth iron garnet films via short laser […]

A four-qubit germanium quantum processor

Researchers at QuTech, TNO and Delft University of Technology have demonstrated a four-qubit quantum processor based on hole spins in germanium quantum dots. Furthermore, they defined the quantum dots in a two-by-two array and obtained […]

New protocol corrects errors due to qubit loss

An international research group has developed and implemented a new protocol that allows for the protection and the correction of the fragile quantum information in case of errors due to qubit loss. When quantum computers […]

Two EPFL scientists win quantum research grants

This year, the US Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate, the Griffiss Institute, Oneida County, and State University of New York formed a partnership named Innovare Advancement Center. As part of its launch, Innovare hosted a global quantum-focused pitch competition under the title […]

Sensing magnons with a superconducting qubit

Earlier this year, a team of researchers at the University of Tokyo showed that they could use a superconducting qubit to detect the presence of a single magnon (a magnetic excitation associated with electron spins). Researchers have now […]

Automated benchmarking platform for Quantum Compilers

Arline announced the release of Arline Benchmarks which is the first open-source automated benchmarking platform for quantum compilers! The name was given to the honour of Arline Greenbaum, the first wife of Richard Feynman, one […]

Near-optimal chip-based photon source for quantum computing

Researchers from the University of Bristol have developed a new CMOS-compatible silicon photonics photon source that satisfies all the requirements necessary for large-scale photonic quantum computers. The research represents a significant step toward mass-manufacturable ideal […]