Mechanically tunable graphene Quantum Dot

Researchers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have presented the first mechanically tunable monolayer graphene Quantum Dot (QD) whose electronic properties can be modified by in-plane nanometer displacements. Precisely manipulating individual charge carriers is […]

A new material for light-matter interactions

EPFL scientists have coupled a new material with light at the level of a single photon. The achievement opens up prospects for better controlling and understanding the properties of quantum-correlated systems, where theoretical calculations are […]

Quantum entanglement aboard orbiting CubeSat

Researchers have generated and detected quantum entanglement onboard a CubeSat nanosatellite weighing less than 2.6 kilograms and orbiting the Earth. The CubeSat was deployed into orbit from the International Space Station on 17 June 2019. […]

Superconducting qubits free of fabrication residues

Nanofabrication techniques for superconducting qubits often suffer from residual contamination in the dielectric interfaces of these devices. This occurs because these techniques rely on resist-based electron-beam or optical lithography masks, which are placed and processed […]

Quantum Spintronics based on Silicon Carbide

Researchers from University of Chicago, the University of Stuttgart, in Germany, and Linköping University, in Sweden, demonstrated the relative advantages that various quantum spintronics systems offer for developing new technologies. They especially focused their analysis […]

Quantum simulation of dynamical phase transitions

Researchers from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang University and RIKEN in Japan, has successfully performed quantum simulation of Dynamical Phase Transitions (DPT) in a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model with a 16-qubit superconducting quantum […]

Element Six launches a quantum grade diamond

Element Six, part of the De Beers Group, is launching its first commercially-available, general-purpose chemical vapour deposition (CVD) quantum grade diamond, DNV-B1™. DNV-B1™, the first solution in Element Six’s new DNV™ Series, is targeted to those […]

A quantum memory that operates at telecom wavelengths

Researchers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have developed a new mechanical quantum memory with sufficiently long storage times, a high readout efficiency, and the ability to operate at telecom wavelengths.  As key component […]

PennyLane by Xanadu supports AQT quantum computers

Xanadu and AQT announced that PennyLane, an open-source project from Xanadu for quantum machine learning, automatic differentiation, and optimization, now supports AQT quantum computers. Xanadu develops software for quantum machine learning (QML) and optimization. PennyLane, one […]

A surprising quantum effect observed in a “large” object

While conducting experiments on a layered metal, EPFL researchers witnessed something very surprising. The unexpected electron behavior they discovered could open up possibilities in the field of quantum computing. In the world of materials science, […]

Quantum eraser with Phonons

Few quantum effects are as mind-tripping as the quantum eraser, in which quantum signatures can appear or disappear depending on the future actions of an experimenter. Previous quantum eraser experiments have used photons, but a […]

Bose-Einstein condensates in space for the first time

A team of NASA scientists have observed Bose-Einstein condensates, aka the fifth state of matter, in space, aboard the International Space Station, for the first time. Albert Einstein and Indian mathematician Satyendra Nath Bose predicted […]

Long-distance free-space MDI-QKD communication

Satellite QKD-based secure communications is a hot topic as we wrote in a previous article. China has definitely a leadership in this domain and shows new progress and expertise. Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution (MDI-QKD), based […]

Breaking a quantum circuit into smaller sub-circuits

Researchers at Atos Quantum Lab, Ecole Polytechnique and Argonne National Laboratory demonstrated a recently introduced method that breaks a quantum circuit into smaller sub-circuits or fragments, and thus makes it possible to run circuits that […]

Physicists create quantum-inspired optical sensor

Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Argonne National Laboratory, U.S. have implemented an advanced quantum algorithm for measuring physical quantities using simple optical tools. Their study takes us a step closer […]

Quantum photonics on a single chip

Quantum photonics involves a new type of technology that relies on photons which can potentially carry qubits over large distances. If the photon source could be placed on a single chip and made to produce […]

A quantum microscope that records the flow of light

A team of researchers at Technion has made a dramatic breakthrough in the field of quantum science: a quantum microscope that records the flow of light, enabling the direct observation of light trapped inside a […]