Controlling quantumness in cold atoms

In one, two, and three-particle systems, actions that happen in one spot can strongly influence atoms far away.  Researchers from the Quantum Systems Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), […]

Quantum radar prototype demonstrated

Scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) have demonstrated a new type of detection technology called microwave quantum illumination that utilizes entangled microwave photons as a method of detection. The prototype, […]

Tiny twists mapped in “magic-angle” Graphene

In 2018, MIT scientists led by Pablo Jarillo-Herrero and Yuan Cao discovered that when two sheets of graphene are stacked together at a slightly offset “magic angle”, the new twisted graphene structure can become either an insulator, […]

SiC can boast some of the quantum merits of diamond

Researchers at the University of Science and Technology in Hefei and Wuhan University in China have demonstrated SiC can boast some of the quantum merits of diamond (nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers) with the additional advantage of […]

Dynamics of spin thermalization

A group of researchers based at The City College of New York (CCNY) provide new insights on the dynamics of spin thermalization at the nanoscale. Understanding why this happens and how it can be controlled is presently at […]

Superconductivity to the Edge

A discovery that long eluded physicists has been detected in a laboratory at Princeton. A team of physicists detected superconducting currents — the flow of electrons without wasting energy — along the exterior edge of […]

Scientists force electrons to break Ohm’s Law

Scientists in the Quantum Dynamics Unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) are running experiments to see how the motion of electrons is impacted by fluid. Ohm’s law, a physics law, […]

An optical version of Quantum Hall Effect (QHE)

At Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, researchers working at the intersection of materials science, chemical engineering, and physics are uncovering an optical version of Quantum Hall Effect (QHE). QHE is a difference in mechanical voltage that is […]

Building block for quantum computers

Researchers at Johns Hopkins built on their previous study about the search for basic building blocks of materials called superconductors with spin-triplet pairing, which were considered to be very rare. The rare property of spin-triplet […]

The diamond quantum  revolution

In the April 2020 issue of Physics World, editors explain how diamond, this special form of carbon, now has many practical quantum applications. Here are some extracts. Diamonds are well known as the gem for marking […]

Towards a nanomechanical quantum switchboard

Physicists at Universität Regensburg have coupled the vibrations of a macromolecule, a carbon nanotube, to a microwave cavity, creating a novel and highly miniaturized optomechanical system. The team achieved this by using the quantization of […]

New two-dimensional design of a quantum computer

Scientists from Tokyo University of Science, RIKEN Centre for Emergent Matter Science, Japan, and University of Technology, Sydney, have collaborated and proposed a novel two-dimensional design that can be constructed using existing integrated circuit technology. […]

Alternative route to topological superconductivity

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with Microsoft Quantum researchers, have used a pencil-shaped semiconductor measuring only a few hundred nanometers in diameter to uncover a new route to topological superconductivity and Majorana […]

Optically-controlled quantum computation

Scientists at Ames Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the University of Alabama Birmingham have discovered a light-induced switching mechanism in a Dirac semimetal. The mechanism establishes a new way to control the topological material, driven […]

Quantum entanglement offers unprecedented precision for GPS

University of Arizona engineering and optical sciences researchers, in collaboration with engineers from General Dynamics Mission Systems, demonstrate how a combination of two techniques (radio frequency photonics sensing and quantum metrology) can give sensor networks […]

New cooling technique to nanokelvin temperatures

MIT physicists have found a way to cool molecules of sodium lithium down to 220 nanokelvins, just a hair above absolute zero. They did so by applying a technique called collisional cooling, in which they immersed molecules […]