Deconstructing Schrödinger’s cat paradox

The French theoretical physicist Franck Laloë presents a modification of Schrödinger’s famous equation that ensures that all measured states are unique, helping to solve the problem that is neatly encompassed in the Schrödinger’s cat paradox. […]

Energy quantization in superconducting nanowires

Researchers at the University of Münster and Forschungszentrum Jülich demonstrated what is known as energy quantization in nanowires made of high-temperature superconductors (superconductors in which the temperature is elevated below which quantum mechanical effects predominate). The superconducting […]

A novel formulation to explain heat propagation

Researchers at EPFL and NCCR MARVEL have developed a novel formulation that describes how heat spreads within crystalline materials. This can explain why and under which conditions heat propagation becomes fluid-like rather than diffusive. Their […]

Jackiw-Rebbi zero-modes in a quantum spin Hall insulator

Researchers from four universities including Peking University and Xi’an Jiaotong University claimed a new method realizing non-Abelian braiding, by constructing Jackiw-Rebbi zero-modes in a quantum spin Hall insulator. Topological quantum computation has been drawing extensive […]

Researchers demonstrated optical backflow of light

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have for the first time demonstrated the backflow of optical light propagating forward. The phenomenon, theorized more than 50 years ago by quantum physicists, has never before been demonstrated successfully […]

AI method determines quantum advantage

Researchers need tools for predicting whether a given quantum device will have a quantum advantage and actually operates faster than a conventional computer. One of the ways to implement quantum computations is quantum walks. The […]

Single atom as a quantum probe sensor

Physicists from Kaiserslautern have succeeded for the first time in using a single cesium atom as a sensor for ultra-cold temperatures. The atom was in a rubidium gas cooled down to near absolute zero. They used quantum […]

Intelligent interaction between light and material

A collaboration between McMaster and Harvard researchers has generated a new platform in which light beams communicate with one another through solid matter, establishing the foundation to explore a new form of computing. The technology […]

New quantum switch turns metals into insulators

Researchers at the University of British Columbia have demonstrated an entirely new way to precisely control such electrical currents by leveraging the interaction between an electron’s spin (which is the quantum magnetic field it inherently carries) and […]

A glass nanoparticle in the quantum regime

Researchers in University of Vienna and MIT have used lasers to levitate and cool a glass nanoparticle into the quantum regime. Although it is trapped in a room-temperature environment, the particle’s motion is solely governed […]

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Link between quantum entanglement and thermalization

Theoretical physicists from Trinity College Dublin have found a deep link between quantum entanglement and thermalization, which is the process in which something comes into thermal equilibrium with its surroundings. Professor Goold elaborates: “When you […]

Physicists trap light in nanoresonators for record time

An international team of researchers from ITMO University, the Australian National University and Korea University have experimentally trapped an electromagnetic wave in a gallium arsenide nanoresonator a few hundred nanometers in size for a record-breaking […]

An ultrafast microscope for the quantum world

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, have developed a microscope for the extremely fast processes that take place on the quantum scale. This microscope allows the precise tracking of […]

Squeezing experiment and results

Qubits made from strontium and calcium ions

Researchers at MIT Lincoln Laboratory have turned to a promising ion traps pair candidate for qubits: ions of calcium (Ca) and strontium (Sr). The team has described using these ions to perform quantum logic operations […]

New platform for quantum technology with gold

Scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory discovered a new platform for quantum technologies by suspending two-dimensional (2-D) crystals over pores in a slab of gold. When heated, the metal reflows to form a porous structure and […]

The programmable QCCD quantum computing system.

New kids on the Quantum blocks…

Which companies are working the hardest with the most patent applications and has there been an increase in interest over the years? RS Components analyzed over 5,000 patent applications to find out.  Patenting activities in […]