Indeterminist physics for an open world

Nicolas Gisin, professor emeritus at UNIGE, Switzerland and founder of ID Quantique (impressive track record!)  suggests that the mathematical language spoken by classical physics should be changed to make room for indeterminism and an open […]

A particle accelerator that fits on a chip

Scientists at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have created a silicon chip that can accelerate electrons, albeit at a fraction of the velocity of standard particle accelerator, using an infrared laser. In a regular […]

Honeywell: Quadrupled Quantum Performance

Performance benchmark for quantum computers

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a quantum chemistry simulation benchmark to evaluate the performance of quantum devices and guide the development of applications for future quantum computers. The […]

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Long distance silicon qubit communication

Researchers at Princeton University have demonstrated that two quantum-computing components, known as silicon spin qubits, can interact even when spaced relatively far apart on a computer chip, which unlocks new capabilities for quantum hardware. Each […]

Fun but useful cooling experiment with LEGO®

Researchers at Lancaster University decided to place a LEGO® figure and four LEGO® blocks inside their record-breaking dilution refrigerator, which is capable of reaching 1.6 millidegrees above absolute zero (2,000 times colder than deep space). The […]

As part of a research project to help establish standards for photon-counting detectors, NIST physicist Thomas Gerrits adjusts the laser beam hitting a detector. The squiggly overhead light helps researchers see the lab setup without disturbing the detectors, which are insensitive to blue light. Credit: J. Burrus/NIST

Counting photons needs standardization

The NIST team has just published methods for measuring the efficiency of five SPDs, including one made at NIST, as a prelude to offering an official calibration service.

QuTech realises ‘MRI on the atomic scale’

Researchers at QuTech, a collaboration of TU Delft and TNO, have developed a new magnetic quantum sensing technology that can image samples with atomic-scale resolution. It opens the door towards imaging individual molecules, like proteins […]

Topological materials offer lossless transmission of signals

New experiments with magnetically doped topological insulators have revealed possible methods of lossless signal transmission that involve a surprising self-organization phenomenon. In the future, it might be possible to develop materials with such characteristics at […]

Intel unveils cryogenic chip to speed Quantum Computing

(This article has been originally published on December 10th, 2019 and has been edited on Feb 19th, 2020) At the 2019 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting in San Francisco, Intel unveiled a cryogenic chip designed to accelerate the development […]

Quantum states created in everyday electronics

Scientists at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering announced a significant breakthrough: Quantum states can be integrated and controlled in commonly used electronics devices made from silicon carbide. In two papers published in Science and Science […]

Quantum Synchronization on the IBM Q System

Researchers at University of Basel, Switzerland, reported the first experimental demonstration of quantum synchronization. This has been achieved by performing a digital simulation of a single spin-1 limit-cycle oscillator on the quantum processors of the IBM […]