Entanglement lights the way to scalable quantum computers

A technique for remotely entangling ions of strontium much more accurately and at far higher rates than previously possible has been unveiled by physicists at Oxford University in the UK. The team says that their scheme paves the way to scalable quantum […]

Toward more efficient computing, with magnetic waves

Researchers at MIT have devised a novel circuit design that enables precise control of computing with magnetic waves, with no electricity needed. The advance takes a step toward practical magnetic-based “spintronic” devices, which have the […]

New way to identify and manipulate topological metals

Topological materials have become a hot topic in quantum materials research, as they have potential applications for quantum information and spintronics. This is because topological materials have strange electronic states in which an electron’s momentum […]

Progress in quantum sensors for biotech

A research team at Università degli Studi Roma Tre has shown that quantum light can be used to track enzyme reactions in real time. The researchers developed a setup that allowed them to control the light at […]

Quantum computers learn to mark their own work

By creating a protocol that allows a quantum computer to check its own answers to difficult problems, researchers from the University of Warwick have provided a means to confirm that a quantum computer is working […]

Fermilab launches new institute for quantum science

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced the launch of the Fermilab Quantum Institute, which will bring all of the lab’s quantum science projects under one umbrella. The missions of this new institute […]

Breakthrough ‘synthetic’ method for making microchips

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have developed a new method for producing atomically-thin semiconducting crystals that could one day enable more powerful and compact electronic devices. By using specially-treated silicon surfaces to tailor the crystals’ […]

Archer announces progress on quantum chip

Archer is developing advanced materials to build disruptive technology, and these materials include carbon-based qubits processor for quantum computing that could potentially operate at room temperature. The 12CQ qubit processor chip is being built by the […]

Superconductor: entirely new state of matter discovered

Researchers at Brown University have showed that Cooper pairs, electron duos that enable superconductivity, can also conduct electricity like normal metals do. For years, physicists have assumed that Cooper pairs, the electron duos that enable […]

EPFL: LACUS becomes full member of Laserlab Europe

The Lausanne Centre for Ultrafast Science (LACUS) has become the first Swiss laser center to be admitted as a full member of Laserlab Europe, a European consortium of leading organizations in laser-based inter-disciplinary research. The Integrated Initiative […]

Microsoft Quantum Computing strategy

At Microsoft Ignite 2019 conference, Julie Love, senior director of Quantum Computing at Microsoft, revealed plans to jump into the quantum hardware business with a chip capable of running quantum software. The company said it […]