New alphabet to write and read quantum messages

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle forbids the velocity of the electron to be defined with arbitrary precision. The interplay of quantum mechanics and special relativity hence requires new alphabet to provide reliability. Researchers at the University […]

How a quantum computer really works

Researchers at Linköping University have shown how a quantum computer really works and have managed to simulate quantum computer properties in a classical computer. “We have shown that the major difference is that quantum computers […]

Entanglement sent over 50 km of optical fiber

Researchers from the University of Innsbruck and at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences have achieved a record for the transfer of quantum entanglement over a distance […]

A practical method to measure quantum entanglement

Researchers at the Rochester Institute of Technology have demonstrated a new method to precisely measure high-dimensional entanglement from minimal data. The new strategy required million-times fewer estimations than past techniques. (Techexplorist) Read more.

Archer details first stage of room temp quantum chip

The Australian company Archer Exploration has announced assembly of the first qubit component of a prototype room-temperature quantum computing chip. First step of its 12CQ Project which aims to carbon-based quantum computing device that operates […]

First time complex three-dimensional quantum teleportation

Researchers from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the University of Vienna and the University of Science and Technology of China have succeeded in teleporting complex high-dimensional quantum states what was previously only a theoretical possibility. […]

Time can exist in superposition!

The work, reported in the August 22 issue of Nature Communications, is among the first to reveal the quantum properties of time. The flow of time doesn’t observe a straight arrow forward, but one where cause […]

IBM unveils first quantum-safe tape drive

IBM has unveiled a range of tools to help businesses be safe in the age of quantum computing, including the world’s first quantum-safe tape drive. IBM researchers, have been developing new ‘quantum-safe’ algorithms that can withstand […]

Anonymous communication protocol for quantum networks

Anonymously protocols over classical networks have been achieved and implemented for long, but similar protocols for quantum networks have been still in development so far because facing implementation issues. The researchers team from the University of Oxford, […]

Scientists discover new state of matter

A team of researchers at the University of Buffalo at Wayne State University has uncovered a new state of matter (topological superconductivity) which promises increasing storage capabilities in electronic devices and enhancing quantum computing. They […]

A random approach to quantum simulation

A team of University of Sheffield in the UK could speed up the simulation of certain molecules using a random, not deterministic, sequence of operations. It may outperform other approaches when a molecule’s energy is […]

Quantum entanglement in chemical reactions

Scientists have long suspected that a quantum phenomenon might play a role in photosynthesis but without proof because such a phenomenon is difficult to identify. For the very first time, researchers have developed a way to […]

Major step towards quantum computers

A team of researchers led by Osaka University have been able to demonstrate how information encoded in the circular polarisation of a laser beam can be translated into the spin state of an electron in a quantum […]