Geometric representation of the principles of nonorthogonal state discrimination.

Experimental investigation of wave-particle duality relations

A groundbreaking experimental study validates both the previously tested quadratic (D2 + V2 ≤ 1) and theoretically predicted linear forms of wave-particle duality relations through asymmetric beam interference and photon polarization measurements, revealing that the quadratic form yields more path information and advancing our understanding of these fundamental quantum principles.

Device layout and shuttling pulse.

Conveyor-Mode Electron Shuttling Enables Scalable Si/SiGe Quantum Bus

Single-electron conveyor-mode shuttling in Si/SiGe quantum channels demonstrates 99.42% fidelity using only four control signals independent of distance, enabling scalable quantum computing architectures by solving the signal-fanout problem in connecting dense qubit registers.

The features of superlattice.

A scheme to create and verify scalable entanglement in optical lattice

The research proposes a novel scheme for generating scalable quantum entanglement using ultracold atoms in optical superlattices, where atoms are sequentially entangled in double wells and then reconfigured through lattice phase shifts, resulting in a noise-resistant genuine multipartite entangled state suitable for practical quantum computing implementations.

A schematic diagram for the metatransitivity examples.

Entanglement transitivity problems

Scientists have discovered that in quantum systems, certain patterns of entanglement between parts of a system can reveal additional entanglement relationships not directly observed, proving this phenomenon exists for both small and large quantum systems and characterizing specific conditions under which it occurs.

Diamond NV center in a P1 bath.

Decoherence of nitrogen-vacancy spin ensembles in a nitrogen electron-nuclear spin bath in diamond

Quantum coherence in diamond-based NV centers, crucial for quantum computing applications, faces limitations from decoherence effects. This study examines how nitrogen impurities (P1 centers) impact NV-spin coherence using cluster correlation expansion and density functional theory. Results show T2 varies linearly with P1 concentrations (log scale, -1.06 slope), matching experimental data. The Jahn-Teller effect and hyperfine interactions significantly influence decoherence dynamics. These findings establish theoretical T2 limits across P1 densities, guiding material optimization for quantum devices.

Zurich Instruments SHFPPC Parametric Pump Controller

Zurich Instruments introduces qubit amplifier controller

Zurich Instruments offers Quantum Computing researchers a fast track to unleashing the power of parametric amplification for qubit readout. While being critical to achieve the high measurement speed and low error rates needed for quantum […]

Quantum physics: record entanglement of quantum memories

Record entanglement of quantum memories

Researchers from LMU and Saarland University have entangled two quantum memories over a 33-kilometer-long fiber optic connection — a record and an important step toward the Quantum Internet. This is the longest distance so far […]

Illustration of the Hamiltonian showing one of the ground states assuming that h > J and the qubits at the ends satisfy the applied fields.

Error measurements for a quantum annealer

A finite length ferromagnetic chain with opposite spin polarization imposed at its two ends is one of the simplest frustrated spin models. In the clean classical limit the domain wall inserted on account of the […]

Atomic qubit control using lasers as the local oscillator (LO)

Limits on atomic qubit control from laser noise

Researchers studied the unique spectral structure of laser noise and introduced a metric that determines when a stabilised laser source has been optimised for quantum control of atomic qubits. Technical noise present in laser systems […]

A particle of light from the single photon source (below) is stored in the vapor cell (above). A simultaneously emitted second photon is revealed by a detector (right), which triggers the control laser pulse and thereby initiates the storage process. (Image: Department of Physics/University of Basel)

Quantum network nodes with warm atoms

Physicists at the University of Basel, Switzerland, have now developed a network node for quantum communication networks that can store single photons in a vapor cell and pass them on later. In quantum communication networks, […]

Few-photon all-optical phase rotation in a quantum-well micropillar cavity

Breakthrough in controlling light for quantum

Scientists at the University of Exeter and the University of Sheffield have made a pivotal new breakthrough in the quest to control light to evolve the next generation of quantum sensing and computing. They have […]

Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) images: edge of FeSe/STO, with inset atomic-resolution STM showing the topmost Se atom arrangement and crystal orientation

Topological superconductors and Majorana particle

A new review investigates the search of Majorana fermions in iron-based superconductors. The elusive Majorana fermion, or ‘angel particle‘ simultaneously behaves like a particle and an antiparticle — and surprisingly remains stable rather than being […]

Researchers at Paderborn University develop a new technology for manipulating light

Nanostructured surfaces for future quantum computer chips

Researchers at Paderborn University have developed a new technology for manipulating light that can be used as a basis for future optical quantum computers. New optical elements for manipulating light will allow for more advanced […]

EPFL scientists have built a compact waveguide amplifier by successfully incorporating rare-earth ions into integrated photonic circuits.

Breakthrough in integrated photonics

Scientists at EPFL, Switzerland, have built a compact waveguide amplifier by successfully incorporating rare-earth ions into integrated photonic circuits. The device produces record output power compared to commercial fiber amplifiers, a first in the development […]

Bypass protocol.

Slowing quantum decoherence of oscillators by hybrid processing

A team of researchers has proposed a deterministic hybrid protection scheme utilizing strong but feasible interactions with two-level ancillas immune to spontaneous emission. They have verified the robustness of the scheme against the dephasing of qubit ancilla.

Hard optimization problems can be expressed as interacting networks of probabilistic bits. Efficient solution of these problems require making them less dense at the expense of more p-bits.

The potential of probabilistic computers

P-computers are powered by probabilistic bits (p-bits), which interact with other p-bits in the same system. Unlike the bits in classical computers, which are in a 0 or a 1 state, or qubits, which can […]

QuiX Quantum delivers a quantum photonic processor for Europe

Largest quantum photonic processor to date

Researchers working in the EU-funded PHOQUSING project are developing a hybrid computational system based on cutting-edge integrated photonics that combines classical and quantum processes. Project partner QuiX Quantum in the Netherlands has created the largest […]

Illustration of Andreev reflection between a superconductor and an atomically sharp metal tip. Image: Aalto University / Jose Lado.

New quantum materials using superconductivity

Superconductors are used in a wide range of domains, from medical applications to a central role in quantum computers. Superconductivity is caused by specially linked pairs of electrons known as Cooper pairs. So far, the […]