Storage of photonic time-bin qubits for up to 20 ms in a rare-earth doped crystal

Storage of photonic time-bin qubits for up to 20 ms in a rare-earth doped crystal

Long-duration quantum memories for photonic qubits are essential components for achieving long-distance quantum networks and repeaters. The mapping of optical states onto coherent spin-waves in rare earth ensembles is a particularly promising approach to quantum storage.

However, it remains challenging to achieve long-duration storage at the quantum level due to read-out noise caused by the required spin-wave manipulation.

In this work, researchers have applied dynamical decoupling techniques and a small magnetic field to achieve the storage of six temporal modes for 20, 50, and 100 ms in a 151Eu3+:Y2SiO5 crystal, based on an atomic frequency comb memory, where each temporal mode contains around one photon on average.

The quantum coherence of the memory is verified by storing two time-bin qubits for 20 ms, with an average memory output fidelity of F = (85 ± 2)% for an average number of photons per qubit of μin = 0.92 ± 0.04. The qubit analysis is done at the read-out of the memory, using a type of composite adiabatic read-out pulse they developed.

The paper has been published in npj Quantum Information.

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