The illustration shows the layers of semiconductor crystal stacked together. Electron orbitals within the layers are represented as sitting atop them. The double-lobed orbitals indicate the locations of excited electrons while single ellipsoids show the ground state, where empty spaces called holes are left behind. Although similar orbitals might be expected running front to back, or in and out of the layers, the research team co-led by the University of Regensburg and University of Michigan showed why excited electrons are mainly funneled into one orientation of this orbital. Credit: Brad Baxley, Part to Whole, edited; Copyright: DOI: 10.1038/s41563-025-02120-1

Quantum “Miracle Material” Enables Magnetic Switching

Researchers from the University of Regensburg and the University of Michigan discovered that chromium sulfide bromide functions as a quantum “miracle material” capable of encoding information in multiple forms (charge, light, magnetism, and vibrations) while its unique magnetic properties confine excitons to single layers or lines, significantly extending quantum information longevity and potentially enabling rapid conversion between photon and spin-based quantum information.