Quantum chemistry using constrained optimization

A comparative illustration of GCIM and VQE on a two-electron four-spin-orbital system.

Hybrid quantum-classical approaches offer potential solutions to quantum chemistry problems, yet they often manifest as constrained optimization problems.

Scientists have explored the interconnection between constrained optimization and generalized eigenvalue problems through the Unitary Coupled Cluster (UCC) excitation generators.

Inspired by the generator coordinate method, they employed these UCC excitation generators to construct non-orthogonal, overcomplete many-body bases, projecting the system Hamiltonian into an effective Hamiltonian, which bypasses issues such as barren plateaus that heuristic numerical minimizers often encountered in standard variational quantum eigensolver (VQE).

Diverging from conventional quantum subspace expansion methods, they introduced an adaptive scheme that robustly constructs the many-body basis sets from a pool of the UCC excitation generators. This scheme supports the development of a hierarchical ADAPT quantum-classical strategy, enabling a balanced interplay between subspace expansion and ansatz optimization to address complex, strongly correlated quantum chemical systems cost-effectively, setting the stage for more advanced quantum simulations in chemistry.

npj Quantum Information, Published online: 03 December 2024; doi:10.1038/s41534-024-00916-8

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