Zheng-Da Li and Ya-Li Mao preparing the experiment. Credit: Li et al.

Physicists test real quantum theory

Researchers at Southern University of Science and Technology in China, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and other institutes worldwide have recently adapted Bell tests so that they could be implemented in state-of-the-art photonic systems.  They […]

Image showing that information about a quantum state is split into three information contents (i.e., information gain, disturbance, and reversibility). Credit: Hong et al.

Quantum measurements: gain, disturbance and reversibility

Researchers at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) have recently tried to capture the interplay between different types of information that are important while collecting quantum measurements, namely information gain, disturbance and reversibility. Information […]

Diagram of QubiC prototype showing room-temperature electronics hardware. Credit: Gang Huang and Yilun/Berkeley Lab

QubiC: an open sourced control hardware for quantum computers

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has open sourced a new electronics control and measurement system for superconducting quantum processors, making the engineering solutions for the emerging hardware more accessible. Superconducting circuits are one of the […]

Researchers bring together the tools of chemistry and physics to the develop rules for designing tunable molecular qubits. Credit: University of Chicago.

A new platform for customizable quantum devices

Scientists at MIT, the University of Chicago and Columbia University, have taken a major step in the development of tailored qubits. They have demonstrated how a particular molecular family of qubits can be finely tuned […]

Quantum circuit for the simulation of the XX chain.

Error mitigation approach helps quantum computers level up

A collaboration between Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (Berkeley Lab’s) Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division (AMCRD) and Physics Division has yielded a new approach to error mitigation that could help make quantum computing’s theoretical potential […]

Rigetti Logo

Rigetti reports entangling gate fidelities as high as 99.5%

Rigetti has announced it has achieved entangling gate fidelities as high as 99.5% on its next-generation chip architecture. Today’s quantum computers are prone to errors, which limit the size and complexity of problems that can […]

A new study describes previously unexpected properties in a complex quantum material. Using a novel technique developed at Penn, these findings have implications for developing future quantum devices and applications.

Uncovering unexpected properties in a complex quantum material

A new study describes previously unexpected properties in a complex quantum material known as Ta2NiSe5. Using a novel technique developed at Penn, these findings have implications for developing future quantum devices and applications. This research […]

Caltech Logo

Chaining atoms together yields quantum storage

Scientists at Caltech have developed an approach for quantum storage that could help pave the way for the development of large-scale optical quantum networks. The new system relies on nuclear spins oscillating collectively as a […]

Diagram detailing how the monitoring system works. Credit: University of Sussex

A big step towards Quantum Tech in Space

Physicists working at the University of Sussex have developed a monitoring and control system blueprint for quantum devices and experiments in space. The research has wider implications for operating quantum devices and carrying out experiments in inaccessible and unpredictable […]

Crucial Superabsorption Breakthrough Unlocks Key to Next-Generation Quantum Batteries

Quantum batteries may use superabsorption concept

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have taken a key step in making quantum batteries a reality. They have successfully proved the concept of superabsorption, a crucial idea underpinning quantum batteries. To prove the concept […]

Artistic rendition of isolated spins on hexagonal boron nitride under an optical microscope Credit: Qiushi Gu

Quantum information stored at room temperature

Researchers at University of Cambridge have identified a two-dimensional material that could be used to store quantum information at room temperature. This two-dimensional material called hexagonal boron nitride, that can emit single photons from atomic-scale […]

kagome superconductivity

A new kind of superconductivity: Kagome metals

In the past four years scientists have discovered metals whose crystal structure mimics that of a traditional Japanese woven bamboo pattern: kagome metals. The international research activity in this new direction of quantum materials has […]

hysicists Carina Belvin (left) and Edoardo Baldini work in the MIT lab of Professor Nuh Gedik. They and colleagues have found a new way to manipulate magnetism in a material with light. Credit: Tianchuang Luo

Physicists manipulate magnetism with light

MIT scientists and colleagues have not only found a new way to manipulate magnetism in a material with light but have also realized a rare form of matter.  Excitons are composed of an electron and […]

Two trapped ions (in blue) are selected by optical tweezers (in red). A quantum gate between the ions can be implemented using electric fields. Credit: University of Amsterdam

A new method for quantum computing

Physicists at QuSoft and the University of Amsterdam have proposed a new architecture for a scalable quantum computer. Making use of the collective motion of the constituent particles, they were able to construct new building […]