The nonlinear emission spectrum from diamond crystal with NV centers (NV diamond) excited with IR laser (1350 nm). Both SHG and THG are simultaneously generated at 675 nm and 450 nm, respectively. An inset photograph was taken during the nonlinear emission (SHG and THG) from the NV diamond. Credit: University of Tsukuba

Diamond color centers for nonlinear photonics

Researchers at the University of Tsukuba demonstrated second-order nonlinear optical effects in diamonds by taking advantage of internal color center defects that break inversion symmetry of diamond crystal. Previously, scientists thought that the inversion-symmetric nature […]

Qubit production process. Credit: Sergey Gnuskov/NUST MISIS

Quantum sensor to measure individual two-level defects

A research team at NUST MISIS, Russian Quantum Center and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, has created a quantum sensor that grants access to measurement and manipulation of individual two-level defects in qubits. A leading qubit technology […]

Nanosecond Random Telegraph Noise in In-Plane Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

Demonstrating the world’s fastest spintronics p-bit

Researchers at the Tohoku University and Purdue University have, for the first time, developed the technology for the nanosecond operation of the spintronics-based probabilistic bit (p-bit)—dubbed “the poor man’s quantum bit” (q-bit). Magnetic Tunnel Junctions […]

Nongalvanic Calibration and Operation of a Quantum Dot Thermometer

A noninvasive Quantum thermometer

Scientists has tuned a quantum dot so that it can measure ultra-cold temperatures without the need for direct electrical connections to the outside world. A cryogenic quantum dot thermometer is calibrated and operated using only […]

tto Zietz, an Intel research engineer, stands with the quantum cryoprober at Intel’s Jones Farm Campus in Hillsboro, Oregon. The tool can chill a 300-millimeter silicon wafer to almost absolute zero, a temperature low enough for quantum computing research. With its capacity to work with large wafers, Intel’s cryoprober is the only tool of its kind in the world. Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation

Outstanding Intel’s cryoprober for Quantum research

It’s called a quantum cryoprober and in the world of exotic high-tech tools, this one that sits in a lab at Intel’s campus in Oregon is truly unique. Intel worked with the Finnish firms Bluefors and Afore to design […]

Spatial Mode Correction of Single Photons Using Machine Learning

Smart quantum technologies for secure communication

Researchers from Louisiana State University have introduced a smart quantum technology for the spatial mode correction of single photons. The team has exploited the self-learning and self-evolving features of artificial neural networks to correct the distorted spatial profile of single photons.

Noise tolerance of photonic entanglement can be significantly enhanced (Credit: Harald Ritsch for IQOQI Vienna)

Enhancement of noise tolerance of photonic entanglement

Quantum measurements are prone to noise, which can enter the system in many ways. For quantum communication, increasing the system’s dimensionality – the number of available encoding levels – can increase its resistance to noise. […]

Fig. 1: Experimental setup. Credit: npj Quantum Information ISSN 2056-6387 (online)

When memory qubits and photons get entangled

Scientists at the University of Bonn have been able for the first time to demonstrate quantum entanglement between a stationary qubit, i.e. a two-state quantum system, and a photon with direct coupling to an optical […]

The figure pictures the simplest example of parity games. Alice (A) flicks a certain number of marbles towards Bob (B), with the aim of learning whether the number of twisted tubes is even or odd. The players need four ordinary classical marbles to complete the task. In contrast, already two quantum marbles would suffice. Credit: © Borivoje Dakić

Playing games with quantum interference

One of the most striking features of quantum mechanics is the superposition principle. This principle can be most easily illustrated via the double-slit experiment, which involves a particle that is sent through a plate pierced […]

Hologram encoding a quvigint (left), such as that photographed during the experiment (right). Image credit: Markus Rambach

Finding quvigints in a Quantum treasure map

Scientists at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) at The University of Queensland said the team was able to find unknown quantum states more quickly and accurately, using a technique called […]

Artistic impression of the quantum learning concept. Credit: Rolando Barry, University of Vienna

Robots learn faster with Quantum Technology

An experiment at the University of Vienna has showed that quantum technology enables a speed-up in the machine learning using a quantum processor for single photons as a robot. The team has made use of […]

QBlox product in lab

Qblox unveils next-generation RF Quantum control stacks

Yesterday, Quantum Computer scientists needed to integrate numerous hardware technologies to control and readout qubits effectively. Qblox, a Dutch startup, has just launched their Radio Frequency (RF) line consisting of fully-integrated quantum control stacks providing […]

Do simulations represent the real world at the atomic scale?

Do simulations represent the real world at the atomic scale?

A team of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Chicago and the University of California, developed a groundbreaking validation protocol for simulations of the atomic structure of the interface between a solid (a metal oxide) and liquid water.

Electrons entanglement using heat

Electrons entanglement using heat

A joint group of scientists has demonstrated that temperature difference can be used to entangle pairs of electrons in superconducting structures.

Connecting qubits via a cryogenic link

ETH Zurich researchers demonstrated a high-fidelity quantum network by directly transmitting microwave-encoded qubit states between superconducting circuits 5 meters apart through an insulated waveguide, advancing modular quantum computing.

Liberating Quantum Processors from parasitic interactions

Creating perfect entanglement requires full control over all qubit-qubit interactions. Until now, this goal has been hindered by the presence of an always-on and fundamental parasitic interaction that disturbs entanglement. Now, researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich […]