Clifford group lies at the core of quantum computation: it underlies quantum error correction, its elements can be used to perform magic state distillation and they form randomized benchmarking protocols, Clifford group is used to […]
Irish Centre for High-End Computing receives ATOS Quantum Simulator
The Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) announced that it has received the GPU-accelerated Quantum Learning Machine Enhanced (Atos QLM E) from Atos. ICHEC is the National High-Performance Computing (HPC) Centre which manages the Irish National supercomputer ‘Kay’ on behalf […]
Optimal polynomial based quantum eigenstate filtering with application to solving quantum linear systems
Researchers at Berkeley present a quantum eigenstate filtering algorithm that allows to efficiently prepare a target eigenstate of a given Hamiltonian to high precision under reasonable assumptions. They have applied this algorithm to the quantum […]
Tutorial: Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks (QCNN)
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a popular model in computer vision and has the advantage of making good use of the correlation information of data. However, CNN is challenging to learn efficiently if the given […]
Experimental Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks for image generation
Pioneer theoretical works suggest that quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) may exhibit a potential exponential advantage over classical GANs. However, it remains elusive whether quantum GANs implemented on near-term quantum devices can actually solve real-world […]
Solving optimization problems with Rydberg analog Quantum Computers
Platforms of Rydberg atoms have been proposed as promising candidates to solve some combinatorial NP-hard optimization problems. A team of scientists at Atos Quantum Lab has computed quantitative requirements on the system sizes and noise […]
Solving nonlinear differential equations with differentiable quantum circuits
Researchers at University of Exeter have proposed a quantum algorithm to solve systems of nonlinear differential equations. Using a quantum feature map encoding, they have defined functions as expectation values of parametrized quantum circuits. They […]
AlgoDynamix world first in behavioural forecasting for financial analytics
AlgoDynamix which operates from Barclays Eagle Labs in Cambridge, UK, has unveiled a new cloud-based service using technology provided by D-Wave Systems and says it is a world first in behavioural forecasting for financial analytics. […]
Microsoft proposes a bridge between classical and quantum computing
Using supercomputing and new tools for understanding quantum algorithms in advance of scaled hardware gives a view of what may be possible in a future with scaled quantum computing. Microsoft proposes Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR) […]
Quantum Search Grover Algorithm at CERN
Scientists have demonstrated a novel method for applying the quantum Grover Algorithm (GA) – to search for rare events in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV collision energy using CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. The search is […]