January 20, 2025

Introdução à Criptografia Pós-Quântica

Por: Rodrigo Ferreira (Cofundador Brazil Quantum) Pesquisas nos Estados Unidos mostram que ocorre, em média, um ataque cibernético a cada 39 segundos. Mais de 93% das empresas de plano de saúde já sofreram ataques nos últimos […]

Optical wiring for large quantum computers

Researchers at ETH have demonstrated a new technique for carrying out sensitive quantum operations on atoms. In this technique, the control laser light is delivered directly inside a chip. This should make it possible to […]

Particles might break the speed of light

Recent experiments show that particles should be able to go faster than light when they quantum mechanically “tunnel” through walls. QuantaMagazine has just published a very amazing article about tunneling effect and its consequences. Some […]

Not all cats are grey in the dark!

Our eyes are sensitive to only three spectral color bands (red, green, blue), and we can no longer distinguish colors if it becomes very dark. Spectroscopists can identify many more colors by the frequencies of […]