Theory Seminar: Tensor-network methods for topological error correction
Andrew Darmawan A universal quantum computer will require error correction to protect logical qubits from noise
Andrew Darmawan A universal quantum computer will require error correction to protect logical qubits from noise
Adrián Franco-Rubio (MPQ): I will review recent work by K. Kato, I. Kim and B. Shi, of what they have come to call the entanglement bootstrap program: an attempt at deriving the properties of TQFT-described […]
Hsin-Yuan (Robert) Huang (Caltech)Classical machine learning (ML) provides a potentially powerful approach to solving challenging quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry.
Yilun Yang (MPQ)The area law for entanglement entropy of local, gapped 1D systems supports the success of DMRG algorithm.
Monika Aidelsburger, Professorin für künstliche Quantenmaterie an der LMU München, gewinnt den Alfried Krupp-Förderpreis. Das Preisgeld ist auf eine Millionen Euro dotiert und soll den Preisträgern so möglichst viel Freiheit beim Forschen ermöglichen.
Flavio Baccari (MPQ)Quantum computing and quantum simulation experiments are reaching a regime where no classical simulation of their output is achievable.
Dr. Nicole Yunger-Halpern ( Harvard-Smithsonian ITAMP)In statistical mechanics, a small system exchanges conserved quantities — heat, particles, electric charge, etc.—with a bath.
Albert Gasull (MPQ):This week an interesting workshop on entanglement in QFT (and more generally) is happening in Heidelberg and online.
Scientists at MPQ succeed for the first time in teleporting quantum information encoded in an atomic qubit to a laboratory 60 meters away using just one single photon as a resource.
David Castells (MPQ): Quantum emitters coupled to a waveguide is a paradigm of quantum optics, whose essential properties are described by waveguide quantum electrodynamics (QED).