January 21, 2025

“Spooky” quantum tunneling observed

A molecule of ammonia, NH3, typically exists as an umbrella shape, a very stable structure that would normally be expected to require a large amount of energy to be inverted. Researchers at MIT and Seoul […]

McKinsey: Reviving innovation in Europe

McKinsey has just issued an interesting paper about innovation in Europe and propose five paths which could build on its strengths and help the continent regain its competitive edge. Some excerpts: Europe’s startup scene is thriving: […]

Quantastica closes a seed round

Quantastica, the Helsinki-based Finnish startup has just announced the closing of a seed round led by Icebreaker.vc. The company provides software tools and solutions to help transiting to hybrid quantum-classical computing. Their Quantum Programming Studio […]

IBM Qiskit: Write once, target multiple architectures

IBM open-source Qiskit quantum computing framework has been designed to be extensible and to support research beyond the IBM quantum systems based on superconducting qubits. The company recently added support in Qiskit for trapped ion-based quantum computing devices […]

Microsoft Azure Quantum

If you eventually thought Microsoft would not play in the Quantum sandbox and let IBM and Google have fun alone, Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO made the show during the Vision Keynote at Ignite. Microsoft provides […]

Evading Heisenberg isn’t easy

Researchers at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL) unravel novel dynamics in the interaction between light and mechanical motion with significant implications for quantum measurements designed to evade the influence of the detector in […]