Recurrent quantum circuit for locally generating quantum sample states (q-samples).

Lossy Quantum Dimension Reduction for Stochastic Process Sampling

The research introduces lossy quantum dimension reduction for stochastic process sampling that compresses memory requirements beyond current quantum and classical approaches while maintaining high-fidelity approximations for both Markovian and non-Markovian processes, with applications across numerous scientific fields.

Parallel implementation of QAOA.

Parallel circuit implementation of variational quantum algorithms

Researchers have developed a framework to split quantum circuits into smaller parallel components, allowing quantum computers to solve optimization problems larger than their available qubit count while maintaining solution quality through a global optimization approach.

Binding potential energy curve for molecular nitrogen, N2.

Contextual VQE: N₂ Bond Breaking on Superconducting Qubits

This research demonstrates a Contextual Subspace Variational Quantum Eigensolver on superconducting hardware that successfully models N₂ molecular bond-breaking with superior accuracy to single-reference wavefunction techniques, achieved through comprehensive error mitigation strategies and circuit optimization while requiring fewer quantum resources than comparable classical approaches.

Quantum algorithms with a universal gate set.

Dynamic Quantum Error Correction Enables Real-Time Code Switching

Researchers have developed a groundbreaking method enabling quantum computers to switch between different error correction codes during computation, overcoming a fundamental limitation in quantum computing where no single code can efficiently perform all necessary operations while maintaining error protection.

Leon Ding, William Oliver, and David Rower. Credit: MIT

Record-Breaking 99.998% Quantum Gate Fidelity with Fluxonium Qubits

MIT researchers achieved a groundbreaking 99.998% single-qubit fidelity in quantum computing through innovative fluxonium qubit control techniques, combining commensurate pulses and synthetic circularly polarized light to overcome counter-rotating errors, marking a crucial advancement toward practical quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Quantum walk applications are divided into 4 main categories: quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum information processing, and graph-theoretic applications. Credit: Xiaogang Qiang, Shixin Ma and Haijing Song

Quantum Walks: Next Frontier in Computational Intelligence

Quantum walks represent a revolutionary quantum computing paradigm that surpasses classical computational methods by leveraging fundamental quantum phenomena like superposition, interference, and entanglement. This technology has been comprehensively analyzed in recent research from China’s National […]

Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum-based VQE – Hydrogen (H2) Molecule / A quantum processing device based on orbital angular momentum qubit states is implemented by using spatial light modulators. The ground state energy of a H2 molecular model based is estimated on VQE.

AI and Quantum Computing Revolutionize Molecular Science

The landscape of scientific research is rapidly transforming through groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence and quantum computing, with recent developments promising revolutionary impacts across multiple disciplines. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry has recognized the pivotal […]

Evolution paths of the single control qubit on the Bloch sphere in the hybrid approach to Grover’s algorithm. Credit: Sinitsyn, N. and Yan, B., Topologically protected Grover’s oracle for the partition problem. Physical Review A 108, 022412

A Hybrid Approach to Overcoming Computational Challenge

Quantum computing represents a revolutionary frontier in computational technology, promising unprecedented computational power. However, the field has long grappled with significant technical challenges that have limited its practical implementation. This research introduces an innovative hybrid […]

Comparison of V-scores of VQE ansatzes versus energy relative errors on a 10 sites TFIM.

V-Score: A New Benchmark for Quantum and Classical Computing

Scientists are developing innovative ways to benchmark the potential of quantum computing in solving complex scientific problems, particularly in understanding material systems. The research, led by physicist Giuseppe Carleo at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, introduces a novel approach to comparing classical and quantum computational methods for tackling challenging physics problems.

The chain complex relevant to the distance balancing construction.

Local testability of distance-balanced quantum codes

npj Quantum Information, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1038/s41534-024-00908-8 In this paper, scientists proved a lower bound on the soundness of quantum locally testable codes under the distance balancing construction of Evra et al. Their […]

New benchmark helps solve the hardest quantum problems

New benchmark helps solve the hardest quantum problems

Predicting the behavior of many interacting quantum particles is a complicated process but is key to harness quantum computing for real-world applications. Researchers have developed a method for comparing quantum algorithms and identifying which quantum […]

Professor Winfried Hensinger and Dr Sebastian Weidt behind a prototype of a quantum computer in the University of Sussex quantum lab

Scientists make major breakthrough in developing practical quantum computers that can solve big challenges of our time

Researchers have demonstrated that quantum bits (qubits) can directly transfer between quantum computer microchips and demonstrated this with record-breaking connection speed and accuracy. This breakthrough resolves a major challenge in building quantum computers large and powerful enough to tackle complex problems that are of critical importance to society.

bias-preserving foliation

Tailored cluster states with high threshold under biased noise

Fault-tolerant cluster states form the basis for scalable measurement-based quantum computation. Recently, new stabilizer codes for scalable circuit-based quantum computation have been introduced that have very high thresholds under biased noise where the qubit predominantly […]

A scanning electron microscope image of the "two-island" device, which researchers hope will pave the way toward a quantum simulator. (Winston Pouse/Stanford University)

Researchers take a step toward novel quantum simulators

Some of the most exciting topics in modern physics, such as high-temperature superconductors and some proposals for quantum computers, come down to the exotic things that happen when these systems hover between two quantum states.

A new technique helps verify the accuracy of experiments that probe the strange behavior of atomic-scale systems. (MIT)

Can you trust your quantum simulator?

At the scale of individual atoms, physics gets weird. Researchers are working to reveal, harness, and control these strange quantum effects using quantum analog simulators — laboratory experiments that involve super-cooling tens to hundreds of atoms and probing them with finely tuned lasers and magnets.

Quantum algorithms save time in the calculation of electron dynamics

Quantum Algorithms Break Ground in Molecular Computation

Quantum computers promise significantly shorter computing times for complex problems. But there are still only a few quantum computers worldwide with a limited number of so-called qubits. However, quantum computer algorithms can already run on conventional servers that simulate a quantum computer. A team has succeeded in calculating the electron orbitals and their dynamic development using an example of a small molecule after a laser pulse excitation.

All most expensive 6-qubit Clifford unitaries requiring 15 entangling gates (up to left and right multiplication by the single-qubit gates and qubit relabeling).

6-qubit optimal Clifford circuits

Clifford group lies at the core of quantum computation—it underlies quantum error correction, its elements can be used to perform magic state distillation and they form randomized benchmarking protocols, Clifford group is used to study […]