January 19, 2025
Illustration of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) bipartite graph where viviv_i are visible nodes, hjhjh_j are hidden nodes and wijwijw_{ij} are the weights connecting the hidden and visible nodes.

Researchers enhance quantum machine learning algorithms

Researchers at Florida State University found a way to automatically infer parameters used in an important quantum Boltzmann machine algorithm for machine learning applications. The work could help build artificial neural networks that could be used […]

A quantum algorithm for string matching

Algorithms that search for a pattern within a larger data-set appear ubiquitously in text and image processing. Pattern matching algorithms are used ubiquitously used in image processing, the study of DNA sequences, and data compression […]

Performance advantage in quantum simulation

D-Wave Systems has published a milestone study in collaboration with scientists at Google, demonstrating a computational performance advantage, increasing with both simulation size and problem hardness, to over 3 million times that of corresponding classical […]

Particle collision simulation using Quantum Computing

A team of researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) used a quantum computer to successfully simulate an aspect of particle collisions that is typically neglected in high-energy physics experiments, such as those that […]

Quantum Neural Networks

Fault-tolerant quantum computers offer the promise of dramatically improving machine learning through speed-ups in computation or improved model scalability. In the near-term, however, the benefits of Quantum Machine Learning (QML) are not so clear. Understanding […]

China’s first Quantum Computer Operating System

Origin Quantum Computing Technology, a Chinese startup, launched the country’s first homegrown operating system (OS) for quantum computers. The new OS, named Origin Pilot, has been optimized for the resource management and parallel processing capabilities […]

CQC releases tket with open access to Python users

Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) today announced the latest version of tket (pronounced “ticket”), its high-performance quantum software development kit (SDK), with all licence restrictions removed for use of tket’s Python module (also known as “pytket”). […]