January 19, 2025

Quantum Search Grover Algorithm at CERN

Scientists have demonstrated a novel method for applying the quantum Grover Algorithm (GA) – to search for rare events in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV collision energy using CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. The search is […]

Hybrid quantum-classical scheme for prime factorization

Researchers have reported a quantum-classical hybrid scheme for factorization of bi-prime numbers (which are odd and square-free) using IBM’s quantum processors. The hybrid scheme has involved both classical optimization techniques and adiabatic quantum optimization techniques, […]

Data-driven quantum error mitigation

Achieving near-term quantum advantage will require effective methods for mitigating hardware noise. One approach is to optimize quantum circuits using compiling and machine learning, while another employs variational quantum algorithms to reduce circuit depth and […]

Reinforcement Learning with Quantum Variational Circuits

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have explored the potential for Quantum Computing to facilitate Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems. Deep RL has accelerated at astounding speed in the last decade. Achieving superhuman performance in massively complex […]

QuAlg: A symbolic algebra Quantum Computing package

Researcher at QuTech proposes QuAlg, an open-source symbolic algebra package for Quantum Computing. There are many packages and tools for representing and simulating quantum states and operations, such as nesquid, qutip or Qiskit. Most of […]

New Qiskit Chemistry Module

IBM has just announced a complete overhaul of its Qiskit Chemistry module, plus the new Qiskit Gradients framework, meant both for quantum application developers as well as domain experts with basic knowledge of quantum computing. […]