January 19, 2025
Measurement and feedback concept for variational quantum Ramsey interferometry circuits.

Quantum sensors: Measuring even more precisely

Two teams of physicists at University of Innsbruck have designed the first programmable quantum sensor, and tested it in the laboratory. To do so they applied techniques from quantum information processing to a measurement problem. […]

University of Tsukuba researchers used the nonlinear optical response of atom-like defects in a diamond to build a tiny thermometer. Credit: University of Tsukuba

Quantum sensing with nonlinear optics of diamonds

Scientists at the University of Tsukuba have developed a method for monitoring the temperature using the naturally occurring atom-like defects in diamonds. They found that increased heat led to reduced intensity of the nonlinear harmonic […]

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Bosch establishes start-up for Quantum Sensing

Bosch is setting up a new business unit to commercialise quantum sensors. Located in Germany initially, it will look to pool the results of research so far and translate them into products. Bosch said that […]