Infographic explaining the experiment.

Long-range quantum entanglement needs three-way interaction

A new theorem from researchers at the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Tokyo, and Keio University, Yokohama, provides an understanding of what types of long-range quantum entanglement survive at non-zero temperatures, revealing a fundamental […]

The set of more capable (MC) quantum channels, i.e. channels with zero complementary quantum capacity

Detecting positive quantum capacities of quantum channels

Determining whether a noisy quantum channel can be used to reliably transmit quantum information is a challenging problem in quantum information theory. This is because it requires computation of the channel’s coherent information for an […]

Single photon emitter takes a step closer to quantum tech

Developing non-classical light sources that can emit, on-demand, exactly one photon at a time is one of the main requirements of quantum technologies. But although the first demonstration of such a “single photon emitter”, or […]

A new qubit platform: Electrons from a heated light filament (top) land on solid neon (red block), where a single electron (represented as a wave function in blue) is trapped and manipulated by a superconducting quantum circuit (bottom patterned chip). (Image by Dafei Jin/Argonne National Laboratory.)

The quest for an ideal qubit

A team led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory has announced the creation of a new qubit platform formed by freezing neon gas into a solid at very low temperatures, spraying […]