Schematic representation of the coherent control of a spin defect (red) in an atomic layer of boron nitride. Boron nitride consists of boron (yellow spheres) and nitrogen (blue spheres) and lies on a stripline. The spin defect is excited by a laser and its state is read out via photoluminescence. The qubit can be manipulated both by microwave pulses (light blue) of the stripline and also by a magnetic field. Credit: Andreas Gottscholl / University of Wuerzburg

Quantum Sensing: Spin defects under control

About a year ago, a team from the Institute of Physics at Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany, succeeded in creating spin defects, also known as qubits, in a layered crystal of boron nitride and […]

Ion beams can create chains of closely coupled quantum bits (qubits) based on nitrogen-vacancy “color centers” in diamond for use in quantum computing hardware. The honeycomb pattern in the photo shows the difference between areas exposed to the beam (darker) and masked-off areas. Results indicate it should be possible to create 10,000 coupled qubits over a distance of about the width of a human hair, an unrivaled number and density of qubits. Credit: Susan Brand/Berkeley Lab

Ion beams mean a quantum leap for color-center qubits

A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory-led international team of researchers has discovered a way to use ion beams to create long strings of “color center” qubits in diamond. Creating large numbers of high-quality qubits, in close […]

The nitrogen vacancy centre set-up, that was used for the first experimental demonstration of QMLA. Credit: Gentile et al.

Machine learning algorithm unravels quantum physics

Scientists from the University of Bristol’s Quantum Engineering Technology Labs (QETLabs) have developed a Machine Learning algorithm that provides valuable insights into the physics underlying quantum systems. The team from QET Labs has described an algorithm which […]

The simplest circuit design for a Josephson junction including a gate voltage (left). A schematic Josephson tunneling junction for zero applied voltage (i.e. V g = 0 V) (right). (ResearchGate)

Josephson junction infrared single-photon detector

Josephson junctions are simple superconducting devices comprising an insulator or semiconductor separating two superconducting regions. They form the workhorse of superconducting technologies and are exquisitely sensitive to magnetic field. One long-sought proposal has been to […]

The new quantum thermometer on a chip, in the foreground. It is probably the world’s fastest and most sensitive thermometer for measuring temperature at the cold end of a waveguide at the millikelvin scale, according to the Chalmers researchers. Credit: Claudia Castillo Moreno/Chalmers University of Technology

New superconducting thermometer for Quantum Computers

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have developed a novel type of thermometer that can simply and quickly measure temperatures during quantum calculations with extremely high accuracy. The breakthrough provides a benchmarking tool for quantum computing. In […]

Energy level diagram and experimental setup.

One-hour coherent optical quantum storage

Photon loss in optical fibers prevents long-distance distribution of quantum information on the ground. Quantum repeater is proposed to overcome this problem, but the communication distance is still limited so far because of the system […]

AWS Logo photo

Fault-tolerant quantum computer based on Schrödinger-cat qubits

At the AWS Center for Quantum Computing, Amazon’s scientists are doing scientific research and development on Quantum Computing algorithms and hardware. They posted a summary of their findings from their first architecture paper that describes a theoretical […]

Squeezed light nanophotonic molecule: Resonance structure

Squeezed light from a nanophotonic molecule

Squeezed light sources are a fundamental building block of photonic technologies for quantum information processing. Squeezing is an essential resource for quantum sensing and a wide range of quantum computing algorithms. Recently, much effort has […]

Qubits Could Act as Sensitive Dark Matter Detectors - A. Dixit/University of Chicago

Qubits could act as sensitive Dark Matter detectors

A detector made from superconducting qubits could allow researchers to search for dark matter particles 1000 times faster than other techniques can. Dark matter particles, such as axions and hidden photons, are theorized to occasionally […]

Honeywell logo

Honeywell: Trapped-ion Quantum CCD computer architecture

Honeywell Quantum proposes the trapped-ion Quantum Charge-Coupled Device (QCCD) which lays out a blueprint for a universal quantum computer that uses mobile ions as qubits. Analogous to a Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) camera, which stores and processes […]

A prototype double quantum dot in a 2D hole gas.

Faster, larger quantum computers using qubits composed of holes

Strong spin-orbit interactions make hole quantum dots central to the quest for electrical spin qubit manipulation enabling fast, low-power, scalable quantum computation. Yet it is important to establish to what extent spin-orbit coupling exposes qubits […]

John Morton, Professor of Nanoelectronics at UCL and co-founder of Quantum Motion.

Quantum Motion unveils 9-second silicon qubit

Quantum Motion, an UK-based startup, has announced a quantum computing breakthrough, demonstrating that a stable qubit can be created on a standard silicon chip. The startup, which has a team of 20 people at the […]

General procedure for identifying hyperfine parameters of 13C nuclear spins

Deep learning enhanced individual nuclear-spin detection

The detection of nuclear spins using individual electron spins has enabled diverse opportunities in quantum sensing and quantum information processing. Proof-of-principle experiments have demonstrated atomic-scale imaging of nuclear-spin samples and controlled multi-qubit registers. However, to […]

Schematic description of the single-qubit experiment for detection of a signal.

Optimal control for quantum detectors

Quantum systems are promising candidates for sensing of weak signals as they can be highly sensitive to external perturbations, thus providing excellent performance when estimating parameters of external fields. However, when trying to detect weak […]