December 22, 2024

Unified linear response theory of quantum electronic circuits

Unified linear response theory of quantum electronic circuits

npj Quantum Information, Published online: 09 November 2024; doi:10.1038/s41534-024-00907-9

Unified linear response theory of quantum electronic circuits

Modeling the electrical response of multi-level quantum systems at finite frequency has been typically performed in the context of two incomplete paradigms: (i) input-output theory, which is valid at any frequency but neglects dynamic losses, and (ii) semiclassical theory, which captures dynamic dissipation effects well but is only accurate at low frequencies.

Researchers have developed a unifying theory, valid for arbitrary frequencies, that captures both the small-signal quantum behavior and the non-unitary effects introduced by relaxation and dephasing.

This theory allows a multi-level system to be described by a universal small-signal equivalent-circuit model, a resonant RLC circuit, whose topology only depends on the number of energy levels.

They have applied this model to a double-quantum-dot charge qubit and a Majorana qubit, showing the capability to continuously describe the systems from adiabatic to resonant and from coherent to incoherent, suggesting new and realistic experiments for improved quantum state readout.

This model will facilitate the design of hybrid quantum–classical circuits and the simulation of qubit control and quantum state readout.