Baden-Württemberg as a strategic quantum research location

(updated on May 14th)

In order to strategically position Baden-Württemberg as a research location in this forward-looking area, leading research institutions and institutes have joined together to form a nationwide network. The competence network “Quantum Technology – Baden-Württemberg” (QT BW ) is intended to give the location greater visibility and weight in international competition.

The Baden-Württemberg Foundation funds cross-location research projects from this network with five million euros. The QT BW receives an additional one million euros from the Ministry of Science and Art to finance the network activities (MWK) Baden-Wuerttemberg. The network partners include seven state universities as well as a Fraunhofer and a Max Planck Institute .

The network’s focal points include five central topics: quantum sensors, quantum optics, quantum control, and quantum materials and quantum simulation. (HPCwire)

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is founding a national network on quantum computing with regional centers in seven German states. The first center to start is the Competence Center “Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg”. The federal state government will support the center with up to € 40 million over the next four years. Fraunhofer IAF takes over the coordinative management of the Competence Center Baden-Württemberg together with Fraunhofer IAO.

With the participation of currently eleven Fraunhofer Institutes, technical expertise in the research field of quantum computing is pooled in regional competence centers throughout Germany. Within the Competence Center “Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg”, an IBM quantum computer will be established in Ehningen near Stuttgart. For this purpose, IBM will provide a state-of-the-art quantum computer (IBM Q System) as computing platform starting 2021. 

The location allows the quantum computer to operate under German law and to comply with European privacy regulations. Furthermore, Baden-Württemberg’s high-tech landscape of large- and medium-scale industry, SMEs and start-ups offers a wide range of possibilities for the application-oriented use of the high-performance computer. (Novuslight)

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