Iterative quantum amplitude estimation

Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation

A team of researchers at IBM Quantum and ETH, Switzerland, has introduced a variant of Quantum Amplitude Estimation (QAE), called Iterative QAE (IQAE), which does not rely on Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) but is only based on Grover’s Algorithm, which reduces […]

Qubit production process. Credit: Sergey Gnuskov/NUST MISIS

Quantum sensor to measure individual two-level defects

A research team at NUST MISIS, Russian Quantum Center and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, has created a quantum sensor that grants access to measurement and manipulation of individual two-level defects in qubits. A leading qubit technology […]

Nanosecond Random Telegraph Noise in In-Plane Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

Demonstrating the world’s fastest spintronics p-bit

Researchers at the Tohoku University and Purdue University have, for the first time, developed the technology for the nanosecond operation of the spintronics-based probabilistic bit (p-bit)—dubbed “the poor man’s quantum bit” (q-bit). Magnetic Tunnel Junctions […]

Norway Flag

Norway: New Quantum Computing Centre

SINTEF, NTNU and the University of Oslo want to make Norway “Quantum-Ready”, and have taken the matter into their own hands by together establishing the Norwegian Quantum Computing Centre. This center gathers a strong interdisciplinary, cross-institutional team […]

Nongalvanic Calibration and Operation of a Quantum Dot Thermometer

A noninvasive Quantum thermometer

Scientists has tuned a quantum dot so that it can measure ultra-cold temperatures without the need for direct electrical connections to the outside world. A cryogenic quantum dot thermometer is calibrated and operated using only […]

tto Zietz, an Intel research engineer, stands with the quantum cryoprober at Intel’s Jones Farm Campus in Hillsboro, Oregon. The tool can chill a 300-millimeter silicon wafer to almost absolute zero, a temperature low enough for quantum computing research. With its capacity to work with large wafers, Intel’s cryoprober is the only tool of its kind in the world. Credit: Walden Kirsch/Intel Corporation

Outstanding Intel’s cryoprober for Quantum research

It’s called a quantum cryoprober and in the world of exotic high-tech tools, this one that sits in a lab at Intel’s campus in Oregon is truly unique. Intel worked with the Finnish firms Bluefors and Afore to design […]