Few-photon all-optical phase rotation in a quantum-well micropillar cavity

Breakthrough in controlling light for quantum

Scientists at the University of Exeter and the University of Sheffield have made a pivotal new breakthrough in the quest to control light to evolve the next generation of quantum sensing and computing. They have […]

Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) images: edge of FeSe/STO, with inset atomic-resolution STM showing the topmost Se atom arrangement and crystal orientation

Topological superconductors and Majorana particle

A new review investigates the search of Majorana fermions in iron-based superconductors. The elusive Majorana fermion, or ‘angel particle‘ simultaneously behaves like a particle and an antiparticle — and surprisingly remains stable rather than being […]

Researchers at Paderborn University develop a new technology for manipulating light

Nanostructured surfaces for future quantum computer chips

Researchers at Paderborn University have developed a new technology for manipulating light that can be used as a basis for future optical quantum computers. New optical elements for manipulating light will allow for more advanced […]

EPFL scientists have built a compact waveguide amplifier by successfully incorporating rare-earth ions into integrated photonic circuits.

Breakthrough in integrated photonics

Scientists at EPFL, Switzerland, have built a compact waveguide amplifier by successfully incorporating rare-earth ions into integrated photonic circuits. The device produces record output power compared to commercial fiber amplifiers, a first in the development […]

An optical setup for the transient Kerr rotation measurement

Ultrafast Quantum sensing with diamonds

Researchers at University of Tsukuba measured tiny magnetic fields with unprecedented speed. By monitoring spins at Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers along using ultrafast spectroscopy. They hence demonstrated how ultrafast spectroscopy can be used to improve the […]

Bypass protocol.

Slowing quantum decoherence of oscillators by hybrid processing

A team of researchers has proposed a deterministic hybrid protection scheme utilizing strong but feasible interactions with two-level ancillas immune to spontaneous emission. They have verified the robustness of the scheme against the dephasing of qubit ancilla.

Hard optimization problems can be expressed as interacting networks of probabilistic bits. Efficient solution of these problems require making them less dense at the expense of more p-bits.

The potential of probabilistic computers

P-computers are powered by probabilistic bits (p-bits), which interact with other p-bits in the same system. Unlike the bits in classical computers, which are in a 0 or a 1 state, or qubits, which can […]